Charlie Flowers For Algernon

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Albert Einstein once said,” Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid.” Our main character is Charlie Gordon. He is 37 and he is a simple man with great qualities,like motivation and he is kind to others. However he has a very low IQ of 68. In Flowers for algernon by Daniel keys, The doctors made a selfish decision by picking Charlie for the IQ surgery. One reason that shows that the doctors made a selfish decision is that Charlie was very lonely after the surgery. Charlie said,”I want to be left by myself.” Charlie explains that he wants to be left alone and he doesn't want anyone to see him. He has no real friends. Someone who supports the doctor's decision could say that he wasn't lonely because he achieved his goal. That is wrong because he quit his job just because his co-workers didn't want him there, and they didn't want to see him because he was different. Overall, Charlie surgery affected charlie in a good way as well as in a bad way. …show more content…

Someone on the opposite side could say that even though it was short,Charlie had fun learning. That is wrong because, Charlie was still being treated like he was different. He was bullied more and he realized that none of the people who he thought were his friends weren't. He saw the real the real world and that may not be a good thing. All in all, using Charlie as a test subject for the surgery was not a wise

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