Characterization Of The Tell Tale Heart

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The Tell-tale Heart is a short story which was written by an American writer by the name of Edgar Allan Poe who was born on January 19, 1809. His story is mainly about an old man’s murder. It was published in January 1843, it talks mainly about a man with no specific name who kills an old man for just a strange reason. Poe gives the story about the murder in order to prove himself as not insane. The fictional scenarios the narrator describes in the story shows various traits of the narrator’s character which is helpful to the readers in terms of their feelings towards murder and confessions among others thus reminds the readers of how evident they are in the tale. The narrator is dreadful and nervous. Which shows the meaning of the narrator being fearful and is evident from a tale in an incident where after committing murder he “takes three planks from the flooring… and deposited all between the scantlings.” (Poe 624). The evidence is an indication of him fearing the body being discovered hence nervous. Another incident which comes out clearly displaying his nervousness is when he gets into the compound of the old man, the narrator hears “a low, dull, quick sound” (Poe 623). Which was “the beating of the old man’s …show more content…

The narrator is intelligent and wise evident when the old man’s heartbeat grew louder,he felt the tension and thought the noise could be “heard by a neighbor”(Poe 624). Therefore killing the old man and placing him under the floor step would enable the mission to come to a success. The narrator also is able to display intelligence in the case in which the place he hid him“no human eye” (Poe 624). could see it or suspect anything .Also, when the narrator cut his body in pieces, “there was nothing to wash out-no stain...-no blood spot…”(Poe 624). So as to conceal the evidence, at the same time when the police came he is the forefront to take them around the house and appears innocent hence would not be suspected of the

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