Yasmin Shaw
Mrs. Martin
English, period 6
1 April 2018
Not everyone’s a parent
Many parents all over the world believe that their kids are their responsibility in an situation regardless of the cost and inconvenience but sometimes parents can’t do whatever they can to take care of their children because it’s too inconvenient or the cost is too great.
In the memoir, The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, Jeannette’s parents make selfish decisions and often put their wants and their values before the needs of their children, “Since we didn’t have money for furniture, we improvised…Shortly after we moved into the depot, mom decided that what we really needed was a piano.” (Walls 51-52). Jeannette and her siblings realize that their family needs
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furniture but their mom chooses that what she wants is more important and gets a piano instead.
In this case, when Jeannette’s mom bought something that she wanted rather than something that her children needed, she should have done whatever they could to take care of their children instead and it’s not too inconvenient because a child’s needs should always come before what the parent wants. Jeannette’s dad also thinks about what he want first before what his children need, “It crossed my mind that dad ought to sell Elvis and use the money to install an indoor toilet and buy us all new clothes.” (Walls 225). Jeannette’s dad doesn’t want to sacrifice what’s important to him, like his car, to get things that his kids need. In this situation, Jeannette’s dad should do whatever he can to take care of his children and getting rid of his car shouldn’t be too costly. Instead of getting what the children need Jeannette’s mom thinks about her values and what she believes in rather than her child’s health. “She didn’t approve of glasses, mom believed they needed exercise to get strong…Lori looked at me and burst into tears. On the way home, she kept seeing for the first time.” (Walls 96). Jeannette’s mom didn’t believe in glasses so she …show more content…
refused for her daughter to get glasses even though she really needed them and was having trouble in school because of it. A parent’s values shouldn’t get in the way of their children’s health problems because a parent should do whatever they can to keep their child healthy and not following their own beliefs isn’t too costly for their children’s health. Parents should always take care of their children and do whatever they can for them but if the cost and inconvenience was too great, such as a parent not being able to take care of their child because of a difficult situation they may be in, then that would be an exception.
Alexandra Sakellariou writes an article about a mother Rachel who gave up her baby because she wasn’t ready to raise a child. “I knew there was no way I could raise a baby as I’d been living on my own since I was 16 and had no family support.” (Sakellariou). Here Rachel explains that when she got pregnant she was still a child herself and living on her own with no help which isn’t the right situation in which anyone should raise a child. Not everyone who gets pregnant is ready to raise a child on their own and not everyone is able to take on that great responsibility that a child brings. So every parent should care for their child unless it is too inconvenient like if they’re not receiving any family support or if they’re not ready to take care of a child. Ashlee Amraen was in a similar situation to Rachel when she got pregnant with her twin boys, “I want my twins to have a stable and healthy, two parent home and I can’t do that right now in life. They deserve so much better than what I can give them.” (Amraen). Amraen states that when she got pregnant she wanted her children to grow up in an ideal home, a home that she couldn’t provide for them at this time. Children deserve to grow up in homes that are
loving and stable and if the child’s parents can’t give that to them then the parents shouldn’t take care of their child because the cost of an unstable home is too great. In an article written by Elizabeth Durand Streisand is about Erin, a student in college at the time, who became pregnant and was definitely not ready to have a child just like the mothers mentioned before. “Erin knew that she was nowhere near ready. ’I was kind of a hot mess,’…’I knew, at that point, someone else could give this child a better life than I could.’” (Streisand). Erin explains that because she was still a college student at the time and wouldn’t be able to give a baby the attention that it needs she wouldn’t be the greatest parent for a baby at this point in her life. Being in Erin’s situation, being a college student and not having the time to take care of a baby, would perfectly demonstrate the difficult situation a baby should not be raised in because a baby needs their parents full attention and a college student couldn’t give that too them. So in Erin’s case a baby is too inconvenient because a college student wouldn’t be able to give a baby the attention it deserves. Parents should do what they cam to take care of their children because their children are their responsibility, but, if the child’s parent is not able to take care of them because they are in a difficult situation or they will not get any support then they should not take care of their children because its too inconvenient or the cost is too great and that is the only exception.
Every day the safety and well-being of many children are threatened by neglect. Each child deserves the comfort of having parents whom provide for their children. Throughout the memoir, The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls explains the childhood from being born into the hands of parent who neglect their children. Many may argue that children need to grow with their parents; however, the removal of children is necessary if the parents disregard the kid’s needs and cannot provide a stable life for their children.
How do fiction storytellers reveal a character’s actions and or characteristics? Fiction storytellers use things like conflicts, diction, and imagery to add a better description to a book. Most of these examples also hook the reader to want to learn more. The mood of a story is also revealed when using this examples. In The Looking Glass Wars Beddor uses conflicts and challenges to inform the reader about Alyss’ characteristics.
In Frank Beddors, “The Looking Glass Wars” a lot of things happen that are bad. There are lots of good things too. The story is about the “Myth” of Alice Liddell stepping through a looking glass into Wonderland. The topic of this essay is the Truth of the story. The purpose of this paper is how Loyal or devoted some people are to white imagination
The Struggle Of Building Adversity means difficulties or misfortune. When someone's dealing with things or a situation turns out to go against them, they face adversity. Adversity is something someone comes across in life, it's like being part of a person. Decisions and actions are influenced by a lot of things. Conflicts influence all kinds of actions and decisions, depending on the person.
Jeannette Walls has lived a life that many of us probably never will, the life of a migrant. The majority of her developmental years were spent moving to new places, sometimes just picking up and skipping town overnight. Frugality was simply a way of life for the Walls. Their homes were not always in perfect condition but they continued with their lives. With a brazen alcoholic and chain-smoker of a father and a mother who is narcissistic and wishes her children were not born so that she could have been a successful artist, Jeannette did a better job of raising herself semi-autonomously than her parents did if they had tried. One thing that did not change through all that time was the love she had for her mother, father, brother and sisters. The message that I received from reading this memoir is that family has a strong bond that will stay strong in the face of adversity.
It is commonly believed that the only way to overcome difficult situations is by taking initiative in making a positive change, although this is not always the case. The theme of the memoir the Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls is that the changes made in children’s lives when living under desperate circumstances do not always yield positive results. In the book, Jeannette desperately tries to improve her life and her family’s life as a child, but she is unable to do so despite her best efforts. This theme is portrayed through three significant literary devices in the book: irony, symbolism and allusion.
Rex Walls While growing up in life, children need their parents to teach them and lead them on the path to a successful future. In the Glass Castle Rex Walls, Jeannette’s father, neglects to take care of his duties as a father figure in Jeannette’s life. In the same way, he teaches her to be strong and independent at a very young age. As we read through the story, we see the special relationship that Jeannette shares with her father. Even though he, in many instances, failed to protect his children, refused to take responsibility for them, and even stole from them, Jeannette still loved him until his death for two reasons: one, for his ability to make her feel special, and two, because he is a never-ending source of inspiration.
The book The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls showed a lot of themes having to do with adversity. I used to fit in pretty well in the world. Something changed though that made me an outcast. The Glass Castle was a good example of how Jeannette didn’t fit in, but through her adversity, she became a strong person.
The “Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams shows a family facing economic and social hardships due to the father abandoning them. The father’s absence forces the rest of the family to fill roles that they wouldn’t be obliged to face if the father remained. The mother, Amanda, is a strong single mother who pushes her kids to be economically self-sustaining individuals. Amanda tries to impose her desires for her kids in a very direct and controlling manner which causes them to dislike her initiatives. The son, Tom, is the breadwinner for the family, however is dissatisfied with his situation due to his increased responsibilities. The daughter, Laura, is handicapped and dropped out of business school. Each member of the family is limited by their ability to grow out of their negative habits, however, it is likely that these habits or characteristics came from the family situation and the roles that each member was forced to fill.
"And remember it's also very funny because side by side with grief lies joy" (Drescher). A notable Swiss psychiatrist by the name of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross developed the model for the five stages of grief. She theorized the model in her 1969 book Of Death and Dying. The model begins with denial, and progresses to anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. During Jeannette Walls's memoir, The Glass Castle Jeannette exhibits these five stages. Jeannette's relationship with her father parallels the five stages of grief throughout her life.
Many children with one parent don’t receive the accurate child care that they deserve because a single parent, can’t afford to pay child care by themselves. (Newman et al. 40). Child care is expensive but is very important for children, espcecially at a young age. Millions of children are in child care that isn’t actually giving the positive results, but also damaging them because parents can’t afford quality child care (Newman et al. 46). With poor quality child care, these children are more ...
Children and youths need certain things like shelter, food and water. If they don’t receive these necessities
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls is a harrowing and heartbreaking yet an inspiring memoir of a young girl named Jeannette who was deprived of her childhood by her dysfunctional and unorthodox parents, Rex and Rose Mary Walls. Forced to grow up, Walls stumbled upon coping with of her impractical “free-spirited” mother and her intellectual but alcoholic father, which became her asylum from the real world, spinning her uncontrollably. Walls uses pathos, imagery, and narrative coherence to illustrate that sometimes one needs to go through the hardships of life in order to find the determination to become a better individual.
It is easy to assume that parenting comes natural to everyone, but that is not the case. Many couples get pregnant before they planned to. In fact, “According to the March of Dimes, about three in 10 teenage girls become pregnant before the age of 20.”(Slocum, Meghan). When it comes to parenting many of these new parents really do not have a clue what they are doing. Being too ashamed to admit this, many of them keep their struggles to themselves and just attempt to do the best they can. However, there are times that these parents end up abusing, neglecting, and damaging their children.
Family values have always been fundamental for a growing child. The child learns at a young age the importance of family, the meaning of family and how significant value systems help their perception, instincts, and understanding of the world all can originate and come from family. Children see their parents as guides. With that they provide it helps to discover these life characteristics. Parenting is a life time job that requires a lot of support coming from two caring parents. Many kids come from a traditional two parent family home; however, in contrast a vast majority of kids come from a single parent home. There are multiple circumstances that lead to a single parent home. Some of which include divorce,death, and one parent walking