Tom Joad experiences many struggles in The Grapes of Wrath. Due to his struggles, he undergoes an immense change that causes him from being unconcerned and impassive to being contemplative and expressive. The journey with Casy and his family affects how he achieves success to become a true, strong character. With his responsibility of taking care of the family, he carries great burden and doubtful decisions of leading them to California. Throughout the journey, he faces trials and sufferings that lead him to have an inner conflict with himself in order for his family to have the golden opportunity to live prosperously in the scarce but hopeful land. His moments of feeling helplessness and vulnerability in the position of a deterred migrant, …show more content…
his shock of the chaotic event of Casy’s death, and his decision of leaving his family to succeed Casy’s legacy deeply influences his prior perspective on living through life calm and composedly. Signifying the change Tom Joad has, John Steinbeck manifests the major theme of growing and maturing with the inevitable afflictions and trials in The Grapes of Wrath. The beginning of Tom’s journey indicates his nonchalant regard for living life. After he leaves McAlester and waits for the truck driver, he influences the driver to lend him a ride for him to go to his family. By saying, “Sure—I seen it. But sometimes a guy’ll be a good guy even if some rich bastard makes him drive a sticker,” Tom shows how he is capable of getting what he wants by manipulating and persuading (Steinbeck 7). He does not have much, and thus, he is resorting to using these methods. From how he handled the driver, it shows that Tom is independent and accustomed to it, and he knows what he is doing. His independence, furthermore, leads him to value honesty and trust since they help him decide what is good and what is not; it makes his life simpler and uncomplicated, which allows him to stroll through anything that comes his way. Subsequently being in jail for killing a man with a shovel, he gains the ability to see the good in everything. Being in a position where he killed a man, labels him as a murderer, and Tom, who appreciates honesty and trust, contradicts his values due to this label. Nevertheless, since the man he killed, stabbed him with a knife, his reason of committing the crime is justified, adjusting his perspective on morality. He acknowledges that his act does not define who he is as he learns about the preacher, “taking one of the them girls out in the grass and lay with her” (Steinbeck 22). Tom says to the preacher that it was fine for him since he, too, lay with girls often when he was younger. From his casual way of implying that it was fine for Casy of what he did, it shows that Tom tries to uplift Casy’s dejectedness, which differs from his usual impassiveness. Yet still, he regards Casy’s taboo as an ordinary part of living life. Tom’s perspective would be reversed as he experiences the helplessness and vulnerability the migrants are forced to endure. Hooverville impacts Tom intensely with how hope and chances are taken away from the migrants. Tom is one of the main members who leads the family to California; the responsibility for him to manage the family is overwhelming to him, and it is crucial for him to succeed. His family has faced hardships of traveling, and they have hoped for their trials to end and for a new blossoming time of earning money to begin; they have hoped that everything would get better. However, their dreams are let down after realizing that migrants, like themselves, are suffering and starving from the oppression and tyranny of the deputies and the cops. Tom must have been shocked and crestfallen after seeing the state the camp was in; the camp is a representation of what California stands for, which gives him a foreshadowing that trials and sufferings would continue to stand in his and his family’s way. When Tom and his father has a conversation with the Mayor, he is conflicted with how the man is acting. Floyd Knowles lets him know that the Mayor was being bull-simple, pretending to be dense and ignorant to avoid landing in jail from the cops’ unjustified control. Knowles also explains to him about the han’bills being the result of the greed of the great owners. The han’bills are used to manipulate the migrants of fighting, competing, and suffering from trying to earn the minimum wage, much to the great owners’ cruel amusement. The migrants are in great pain due to this, and the great owners support it. Realizing and knowing the truth, Tom is angry and frustrated, but most of all, he is disappointed. Tom is feeling all these emotions and is revealing it, going against his confident and impassive image. The blacklist affects him the most, causing him to retort to Knowles that the cops are immoral and are not the law, which gives him the right to do whatever he wants to. Knowles replies to him that they have the authority to put him on the blacklist, sending him back into McAlester. Steinbeck must have used the case of the han’bills and the blacklist to show the significance of Tom’s change of showing and expressing emotions. Living life calm and composedly is not possible for Tom now, as he has greater burden and responsibility, which would later help him to develop as a strong character. After Tom drives his family and arrives at a detour, drunk authorities demand where they’re going and forces them to go north. From their appalling behavior toward him and his family, Tom wants to teach them a lesson with a jackhandle, but he is stopped by his mother and his warning of McAlester; he is reminded of Knowles’s warning, and to protect his family from the cops, he has to be bull-simple like the Mayor. From that moment, he is able to comprehend what the Mayor has gone through to be able to give up at the camp. As he turns the car around to the South, Tom painfully cries, and he truly understands helplessness to the point of being vulnerable and incapable. He no longer is an independent person who is impassive and confident; he is now a person who is enduring pain and is overflowing with emotions. Casy’s death is one of the most crucial moments Tom has that causes him to undergo an overwhelming change from being an enduring person with emotions to being a determined person with clear resolve.
The moment when Casy says, “You don’t know what you’re a-doin,” and the aggressive man, who was afraid of the monster, the fear and the anger boiling into wrath, and the desperation of surviving, hits him in the head and kills him with a white pickhandle (Steinbeck 386). Tom’s companion and closest friend, who shared his thoughts and beliefs and gave him advice, is murdered in front of him. Tom must have been into deep shock that he didn’t notice the men with the aggressive man trying to kill him. After being hit and injured, he hides and goes back to his family in the cabin. He realizes that he needs to leave before someone in the farm finds him. Tom wants to leave since he wants to protect his family and to recollect his thoughts and feelings about Casy’s death. He goes away temporarily only to get into the truck with his family and go to the boxcar camp. At the boxcar camp, Tom is stuck in the same plight as last time at the farm. Using the time of being away from his family, he must have been pondering over what Casy must have thought before he was murdered and why he said his last words. Tom must have put himself in Casy’s shoes to figure out what he meant by the people having one huge soul and how there is no sin and virtue. Contemplating in the dark for a long time, Tom has an epiphany about the Oversoul and how the migrants who are subjected to the monster’s tyranny should unite to overcome the relentless cruelty and oppression. He tells his mother, “I’ll be ever’where—wherever you look. Wherever they’s a fight so hungry people can eat, I’ll be there. Wherever they’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, I’ll be there. An’ when our folks eat the stuff they raise an’ live in the houses they build—why, I’ll be there” (Steinbeck 419). From this, Tom recognizes where he stands
and what he wants do; he regains his independence but with unwavering spirit that clears all his doubt and uncertainty from the journey. He knows what he needs to do like how Casy found out what he wants to do. The moment when his mother walks away from him, Tom is able to do what he needs to do as his dream is to unite the people and cherish and give hope to them just like Casy. Moreover, his journey shaped him to be a true, strong character after battling against the trials and sufferings that were thrown at him, achieving success and the realizing of his hope. Tom Joad grew and matured from the trials and afflictions he were subjected to as a migrant, a friend, and a family member. His character developed as he felt trust, frustration, helplessness, anger, sadness, and anticipation from his journey. “His soul was strengthened,” and that was the important meaning both Helen Keller and John Steinbeck was trying to make us grasp through Tom. As we all grow up and mature, there will be times when we encounter certain trials and barriers in which we have to triumph over in order for us to realize our hopes and dreams. These sufferings and hardships may challenge our positions as a student, adolescent, young adult, teacher, parent, friend and many more. Although some hardships may break, corrupt, and lead us astray, we should face it with clear resolve and determination. If we do not, then we are not going to live the lives the way we want to. The needless limitations we may be subjected to in our lives may be uncontrollable and overpowering, but we need to be what we want to be and take the path we want to take. All those little problems and situations we face in our daily lives strengthen us for us to be prepared to fight for our hopes and dreams and be ourselves to the fullest, and through The Grapes of Wrath, I learned this life-changing message, bringing me everlasting perseverance and spirit to achieve anything I want to achieve.
John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath is one of the most influential books in American History, and is considered to be his best work by many. It tells the story of one family’s hardship during the Depression and the Dust Bowl of the 1930’s. The Joads were a hard-working family with a strong sense of togetherness and morals; they farmed their land and went about their business without bothering anyone. When the big drought came it forced them to sell the land they had lived on since before anyone can remember. Their oldest son, Tom, has been in jail the past four years and returns to find his childhood home abandoned. He learns his family has moved in with his uncle John and decides to travel a short distance to see them. He arrives only to learn they are packing up their belongings and moving to California, someplace where there is a promise of work and food. This sets the Joad family off on a long and arduous journey with one goal: to survive.
Al Joad is a fairly skinny guy of medium built who starts out being a
John Steinbeck once stated: “If he needs a million acres to make him feel rich, seems to me he needs it 'cause he feels awful poor inside hisself, and if he's poor in hisself, there ain't no million acres gonna make him feel rich, an' maybe he's disappointed that nothin' he can do 'll make him feel rich.” The classic text Grapes of Wrath contains several characters with a considerable amount of depth. Characters like Tom and Ma Joad are usually celebrated for their symbolism and dialogue. I feel as though Grandpa Joad is a highly underrated character in Steinbeck’s text Grapes of Wrath.
When times get tough, many people turn away from everyone and everything. It must be part of human nature to adopt an independent attitude when faced with troubles. It is understandable because most people do not want to trouble their loved ones when they are going through problems, so it is easier to turn away than stick together. Maybe their family is going through a rough patch and they reason they would be better off on their own. This path of independence and solitude may not always be the best option for them or their family, though. Often times it is more beneficial for everyone to work through the problem together. It is not always the easiest or most desirable option, but most times it is the most efficient and it will get results in the long run. In The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck makes this point very clear through several characters. Many characters throughout
Most of Steinbeck’s work conveys a deeper meaning or message to the readers, and The Grapes of Wrath presents no exception, as redemption’s prevalence influences the growth of each character. Although the book ends with a tragic flood after the family has faced the loss of Rose of Sharon’s newborn baby, the novel still ends in happiness, since characters such as Jim Casy, Uncle John, Tom Joad, and Rose of Sharon attain redemption and in doing so, become saviors for migrant families. Steinbeck manifests the idea the migration did not necessarily implicate the Joads would find prosperity in the promised land of California, but would instead fulfill the quest for absolution, which results in their heroic
Throughout history man has made many journeys, both far and wide. Moses’ great march through the Red Sea and Columbus's traversing the Atlantic are examples of only a couple of men’s great voyages. Even today, great journeys are being made. Terry Fox's run across Canada while fighting cancer is one of these such journeys. In every one of these instances people have had to rise above themselves and overcome immense odds, similar to a salmon swimming upstream to full fill it's life line. Intense drive and extreme fortitude are qualities they needed to posses during their travels.
In the 1930s, America’s Great Plains experienced a disastrous drought causing thousands of people to migrate west. As their land was devastated by the Dust Bowl, deprived farmers were left with few options but to leave. The Grapes of Wrath depicts the journey of the Joads, an Oklahoma based family which decides to move to California in search of better conditions. Coming together as thirteen people at the start, the Joads will undertake what represents both a challenge and their only hope. Among them are only four women embodying every ages: the Grandma, the Mother and her two daughters, the pregnant Rose of Sharon and the young Ruthie. Appearing in Chapter Eight the mother, who is referred to as “Ma”, holds a decisive role in Steinbeck’s novel. She is, along with her son Tom (the main character of the book), present from the early stage of the story until its very end. We will attempt to trace back her emotional journey (I) as well as to analyze its universal aspects and to deliver an overall impression on the book (II).
or fear." Thus, if Ma acts as if everything is all right, then the family
In literature as in life, people often find that they must make difficult choices in order to survive. The reasons behind their decisions and the results of their subsequent actions affect our opinion of them. In the Grapes of Wrath, written by John Steinbeck, the author portrayed situations where two main characters became involved. The nature of their choices, the reasons behind their decisions, and the results that followed affected them greatly. However, the choices that they made were surmounted successfully. Ma Joad and Tom Joad are two strong characters who overcame laborious predicaments. Their powerful characteristics helped to encourage those that were struggling.
For this essay on John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, I have chosen to do a character analysis. The character that I chose is Ma Jode. I have chosen Ma Jode, because I think she is one or the most important characters in the book.
Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath is a realistic novel that mimics life and offers social commentary too. It offers many windows on real life in midwest America in the 1930s. But it also offers a powerful social commentary, directly in the intercalary chapters and indirectly in the places and people it portrays. Typical of very many, the Joads are driven off the land by far away banks and set out on a journey to California to find a better life. However the journey breaks up the family, their dreams are not realized and their fortunes disappear. What promised to be the land of milk and honey turns to sour grapes. The hopes and dreams of a generation turned to wrath. Steinbeck opens up this catastrophe for public scrutiny.
In the novel The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, a fictitious migrant family, the Joads, travel west in search of a new life away from the tragedies of the Dust Bowl in Oklahoma. Along the way, Steinbeck adds a variety of minor characters with whom the Joads interact. Steinbeck created these minor characters to contrast with the Joad’s strong will power and to reflect man’s fear of new challenges, and to identify man’s resistance to change. Three minor characters who fulfill this role are Muley Graves, Connie Rivers, and the tractor driver.
John Steinbeck passionately describes a time of unfair poverty, unity, and the human spirit growth in the classic novel, The Grapes of Wrath. The novel tells of real, diverse characters that experience growth through turmoil and hardship. Jim Casy, a personal favorite character, is an ex-preacher that meets with a former worshiper, Tom Joad. Casy continues a relationship with Tom and the rest of the Joads as they embark on a journey to California with the hopes of prosperity. Casy represents how the many situations in life impact the ever-changing souls of human beings and the search within to discover one's true identity and beliefs. Casy, however, was much more complex than the average individual. His unprejudiced, unified, Christ-like existence twists and turns with every mental and extraneous disaccord. Jim Casy is an interesting, complicated man. He can be seen as a modern day Christ figure, except without the tending manifest belief in the Christian faith. The initials of his name, J.C., are the same as those of Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus was exalted by many for what he stood for and was supposed to be, Casy was hailed and respected by many for simply being a preacher. Casy and Jesus both saw a common goodness in the average man and saw every person as holy. Both Christ and Casy faced struggles between their ideals and the real world. Despite Casy's honesty, goodness, and loyalty to all men, he would not earn a meal or warm place to stay. Although Jesus had many followers, still others opposed his preaching until the very end. These prophets attempted to disengage man from the cares of the world and create a high spiritualism that stemmed joy from misery. All the migrants found pleasures along their trips and kept their hope and spirit throughout the journey. Thanks to Jesus, the saddest, dullest existence has had its glimpse of Heaven. Casy once remarked, I gotta see them folks that's gone out on the road. I gotta feelin' I got to see them. They gonna need help no preachin' can give 'em. Hope of heaven when their lives ain't lived? Holy Sperit when their own sperit is downcast an' sad?" (page #) Casy wished to reach out to others in spite of his own troubles. He wanted to give them sprit; hope and he wanted to rejuvenate their souls.
In John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, there are many characters who have major influential roles in the overall development of this dark and twisted story. Characters such as Tom Joad, Ma Joad, and Roasasharon Joad are big characters who in some way, shape, or form impact the plot of this novel. Perhaps one of Steinbeck’s most important characters is Jim Casy. This character influences the entire Joad family, but ends up leaving a huge impact on Tom as the end of the story draws near. Steinbeck cleverly describes Jim Casy’s appearance, uses him as a symbolic figure, and gives the Joad family an overwhelming peace.
The Grapes of Wrath is a novel by John Steinbeck that exposes the desperate conditions under which the migratory farm families of America during the 1930's live under. The novel tells of one families migration west to California through the great economic depression of the 1930's. The Joad family had to abandon their home and their livelihoods. They had to uproot and set adrift because tractors were rapidly industrializing their farms. The bank took possession of their land because the owners could not pay off their loan. The novel shows how the Joad family deals with moving to California. How they survive the cruelty of the land owners that take advantage of them, their poverty and willingness to work.