Character Analysis Of Helena In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'

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“Love looks not with eyes but with the mind,” laments Helena (23). In this quote, Helena explains that true love isn’t about a person’s looks, but about a person’s disposition; all in all, love is blind. This especially evident in the play that this quote is found, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In the play, Titania is tricked by Oberon and Robin to fall in love with Bottom who had a donkey head, but she still loved Bottom, even though he was hideous. Also, Helena, the character mentioned before, is madly in love with Demetrius who doesn’t love her back but she tries constantly to get him to love her. So, Helena’s comment is definitely correct especially in the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, because of the romantics between the characters of Bottom and Titania, and the characters of Helena and Demetrius. …show more content…

Because Oberon didn’t get the Indian boy from Titania, he and his underling Robin decided to put a nectar that would cause her to fall in love with whatever or whoever that she first look upon, and they did. This soul that her fell in love with was Bottom who also had a donkey face instead of his own because of the Puck, Robin. She commented on how much she loved him, but he denied it and gave a clever reply. Then she commented him by saying “Thou art wise as thou art beautiful” (79). She wasn’t insulting him, because he was actually ugly but complimented him because to her, he was the prettiest and greatest person in the world. She loved him despite his looks. Although it was probably the magic, love was still blind. After Oberon lifted the “spell” on her, her looks at Bottom and said, “O, how mine eyes, do loathe his visage now!” (125) This shows how love can be so blinding. A few hours ago, she loved him and probably thought that he was the hottest person in the world, but now, after the “spell”, she hates even looking at

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