Character Analysis: Did The Father Do The Right Thing '

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Did the father do the right thing by lying to his daughter about killing someone? I believe that he did do the right thing because his daughter is only nine and there is only so much stuff she needs to know and that isn’t one of them. Him telling her that he killed somebody might change the way she thinks about her dad. She isn’t mature enough to know about something like that because she will just think it’s a game and tell everyone and then everybody will look down on him for what he did. First, I believe that the father did the right thing is because his daughter is only nine and there is only so much stuff a nine year old should know about and that’s not one of them. If I was nine and my dad told me that he killed somebody, I would probably think that he was a bad person for what he did. I could see if she was 15 and was more mature because she would understand the reasoning on why he killed the soldier better. Him telling her that he killed somebody, she will ask him a lot of questions and it will make him uncomfortable. …show more content…

She won’t be able to understand it because her brain hasn’t fully developed and she will just take it as her dad is a bad person and he’s not. Being a soldier, you have a chance at killing somebody to protect you or one or your soldiers. So just because he killed somebody doesn’t mean that he is a bad person, he was just being ready incase the other soldier did try to hurt

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