Changing A Disposable Diaper

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It doesn’t matter if you are using disposable diaper or a going green with cloth diapers, the general steps for changing a dirty diaper is the same. This is a suggested series of steps to get you started. As time goes on, you may change those strides and build up your own favored strategy. In the end you'll be capable of changing a diaper one handed, in a darkened room, while half asleep… or even completely asleep
You never want to rely on the old technique of smell to change that diaper for all you know by that time it might be too late; babies have the ability to produce 12 dirty diapers a day, if not more. Stay vigilant and look out for sings that the diaper is heavy, take the opportunity to check your baby's diaper before and after each nap or, …show more content…

Fold the soiled diaper in half under your infant, ensuring that the clean side is up. (Insurance given that there is a layer between the spotless diaper and your infant's unclean base.) You’ll have to lift your child's backside off the table by getting a handle on both lower legs with one of your hands and tenderly lifting the infants bottom upward.
6. Clean your infant's genitalia with a moist baby wipe, damp wash cloth, or sterile pad. On the off chance that your child’s female, wipe from front to back (toward her rear-end). This keeps bacteria away and helps to prevent infections and other chances for diseases.
7. On the off chance that your infant defecated, be sure to grab another wipe and clean her backside. You can either lift her legs or move her delicately to the other side then the other. Make certain to clean with in the folds of your child's thighs and buttocks, as well.
8. Give your infant's skin a chance to air dry for a couple of minutes or pat it dry with a clean cloth. If you notice the avert or need to treat diaper rash, take this opportunity to apply rash cream or petroleum jelly. (The best barrier against diaper rash is a dry diaper area, accomplished through general diaper checks and

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