Someone who alters human capability or organizational systems to achieve a higher degree of output or self-actualization is a change agent. The goal of a change agent is to make changes that have a huge impact. The result of a change agent is to enable people to do more, or find a new and better perspective on life. It is mostly about the person’s identity and character that makes them a great change agent. Change is for the good, not purely destruction, change is for the better.
In the light of many problems and risks associated with change, the change agent has a very important function. The change agent’s capabilities have a major impact on success or failures in history. A change agent focuses on improvement and
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There are many other attributes that contributes to what makes a change agent great and have an impact on Western Civilization. A change agent lives in the future not the present. Regardless of what is going on, a change agent has a vision of what could or should be and uses that to act on the situation. Without this future drive the change agent can lose their way. A change agent should be fueled by passion, and inspire passion in others. Change is hard work and takes a lot of energy. Without passion, it is very difficult to build up enough energy to make change. A change agent must have a strong ability to self-motivate. There will be days where everyone around does not understand and not offer hope in changing. The change agent needs to find it within themselves to get up every day and work hard and risk being misunderstood and misappreciated, knowing that their hard work will have an impact on the future. A change agent must understand people. Overall, change is about people. If everything changes but the people, the work of the change agent will not be effective. Change will have a much bigger impact when people embrace it. People can bring very powerful change to organizations, but in order to do so the need to embrace the way of the change …show more content…
His birth split time into B.C. and A.D. The two main celebrations in today’s culture are Christmas and Easter, which is his birth and death. The education systems, health services and mainly all that people should be thankful for were started by the Christian church, of which Jesus is the head of. He is the number one priority in people’s lives and all that they live for.
The Magna Carta simply states that the English King must obey laws too. The laws of the country are now common laws, laws obeyed by everyone. The Magna Carta made the English King accountable to his subjects for the first time. It also gave the people of England the right to a criminal trial in front of their peers. It was introduced in 1215 when King John was facing a political crisis. Its directives made everyone in England, including the King, accountable to the law for the first time. In addition, it gave subjects a say in matters like taxation and foreign
The Magna Carta was the first document in which English subjects to force English king into power; granting and protecting the subjects’ rights. This was important since the king at the time could do anything that he so desired. However, in practice, this English legal charter did not limit the king’s power. The Magna Carta is the beginnings of American freedom. It is also the foundation of the American Constitution, reflecting English freedom and the power of the English government.
A solid theoretical foundation is required to lead and manage change. For efficient and effective change to take place it must be intentional. Leadership set the tone and the direction of an organization allowing it or hindering it to change and adapt. Leader can use tactics and skills to create an organic change environment with the right change models and interventions when the organization is most ready for change.
With this mindset in place change can happen without any problems. Having transformational leaders being viewed as change agents, the culture within an organization should transform smoothly. Effective leadership is enhanced when leaders can inspire their followers to accept change by communicating a compelling vision of the future and motivating willingness to work in the new manner (Jones & Rudd, 2008).
This is where transformational leaders excel in their roles as motivators and change agents; however, one characteristic that resonates most with followers is the leader’s ability to define vision and mission. Ballou (2015) used the analogy of an orchestra conductor possessing the musical score that provides the details for every participant in the ensemble. The ability of the leader to bring clarity to the vision enables followers to understand the ‘why’ of their hard work. While seemingly autocratic, followers accept direction from transformational leaders because they demonstrate selflessness and are most interested in the team’s success, not their own. These highly regarded traits can alleviate tension in diverse groups by focusing on the vision, not individual differences. While there are similarities between the servant and transformational leader, there are important differences as well. In the book, The Leadership Challenge (2002, p. 153), the authors suggested that transformational leadership affects not only the followers, but the leader as well, by raising each other to achieve the higher purposes of motivation and morality. Another vital component of transformational leadership is the fostering of participation when making decisions. It is never the intention of the leader to inject his or her opinion, especially at the onset of the process. This ability allows followers to arrive at consensus by encouraging team participation, which invites involvement and buy-in of the vision, while decreasing the likelihood of inter-team conflict. The true transformational leader inspires the team because they have achieved a high level of self-actualization, which allows them to encourage and recognize the achievements of others without feeling threatened. When followers are fortunate enough to be led by a transformational
Achieving organizational change that produces real results is not just a managerial challenge; it is also a cognitive challenge. As Peter Senge stated in an article on leadership "deep organizational change requires a change in people. Redrawing the lines and boxes in your org chart without addressing the way people within the organization interact may be like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" (1996). Leaders find it easier to address tasks rather than the complex dynamics of human interactions. The outcome of which is a focus on the short-term and local not the longer-term and global results from change.
When attempting to bring about change, some people are more successful at it than others. Some people find it relatively easy to change something while for others it is very difficult. One of the reasons that occurs is because the successful people enhance and utilize their skills in order to bring about change. In the book Insight Out by Tina Seelig, four main skills are discussed in a hierarchal and cyclic system. Seelig then highlights each skill in turn and includes projects for the reader to do in order to enhance that particular skill. These skills include imagination, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Goman, C. K. (2000, December). The biggest mistakes in managing change. Retrieved May 13, 2011, from
The change agents of British Airways behaved like coaches. They deliberately shaped the BA’s capabilities, created the proper set of values and skills to reach the intended outcomes. During the implementation of change, John King and Colin Marshall acted like coaches as they assisted to “structure activities to help the organization members solve their own problems and learn to do that better” (French & Bell, 1995, p.4).
A Transformational leader would elevate the interests of their employees, they would generate awareness and acceptance of the goal for the group. (Bass, B. M. ,1991) An example of transformational leadership in a hypothetical situation would be if there was a monthly goal set for each individual on the team and the leader finished his goals first then went on to help the rest of the team, taking extra time to see every employee as an individual. Another situation would be if a team member had a death in the family and the leader would provide emotional support for the employee as well as rallying the rest of the team to console the team member. Napoleon declared that an army of rabbits commanded by a lion could do better than an army of lions commanded by a rabbit (Bass, B. M. ,1991). The world is full of transformational leaders but we need more. Transformational leadership can be learned, and it can and should be the subject of management training and development (Bass, B. M. ,1991). Next, we will look at Servant
`Having assessed their own power bases, change agents should identify powerful individuals and groups with an interest in the changes such as staff groups, unions, departmental managers, and top level executives. These key stakeholders can thwart or support change. `
The idea of change is the most constant factor in business today and organisational change therefore plays a crucial role in this highly dynamic environment. It is defined as a company that is going through a transformation and is in a progressive step towards improving their existing capabilities. Organisational change is important as managers need to continue to commit and deliver today but must also think of changes that lie ahead tomorrow. This is a difficult task because management systems are design, and people are rewarded for stability. These two main factors will be discussed with reasons as to why organisational change is necessary for survival, but on the other hand why it is difficult to accomplish.
The change process within any organization can prove to be difficult and very stressful, not only for the employees but also for the management team. Hayes (2014), highlights seven core activities that must take place in order for change to be effective: recognizing the need for change, diagnosing the change and formulating a future state, planning the desired change, implementing the strategies, sustaining the implemented change, managing all those involved and learning from the change. Individually, these steps are comprised of key actions and decisions that must be properly addressed in order to move on to the next step. This paper is going to examine how change managers manage the implementation of change and strategies used
Change Management is not impossibly difficult. It need detailed planning, including everyone affected, frequent interaction, accomplish a perspicuous target for the change and a method of measuring success, complete the plan, and strengthen the change once it is in place.
Transformational leaders are normally known for not only taxing the status quo but are also known for heartening inventiveness among followers. They push their followers to become genuinely innovative and creative. These transformational leaders persuade their followers to discover new ways of doing things and to explore new opportunities to learn.
Transformational leaders are needed to transform low performing organizations to acceptable to high performance. At other times, the leader is expected to move an organization from a crisis. In order to accomplish these tasks, the leader must overhaul the organization culture or subculture. This task is accomplished by nine ways of transforming others: 1. Raise others awareness. The leader makes others aware of the rewards and how to achieve them, i.e. pride in the job or financial incentives. 2. Help others look beyond self-interest. The transformational leader helps others to look at the “big picture” by describing an entire scenario, i.e. if we hire more employees to do x, we will have to make cuts in other areas. 3. Help people find self-fulfillment. The leader helps others not to focus on minor satisfactions, i.e. getting a job done before the deadline ...