Chairlift Narrative

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As I strap on my binding, I realize how simple it is to feel so happy over the smallest thing. With one foot strapped down, I skate over to the chairlift ready to head up the biggest mountain I have ever laid my eyes upon. I doubt myself if I am ready to take on this big monster but all I can hear is my dad talking about how he hopes his knee will not give out. It is our turn to get on the chairlift I cannot believe I am about to go 9,000 feet above sea level. The ride up the mountain was longer than I expect which made me even more nervous. The snow seemed to go on for miles not just stop at the end of the ski hill drive like back in Wisconsin. I was trying to take in all the beautiful scenery while my heart was pounding very hard. When I got off of the chairlift I was in awe. I mean isn’t that how you are supposed to feel when you are on the top of the world? Little ol’ midwest Wisconsin ski hills definitely did not prepare me for this. This run was pretty steep, steeper than I thought. But I did not let that affect my confidence in myself that I had before. Everything I have ever snowboarded before was nothing like this. …show more content…

A lot of things can make me feel relaxed but being on the mountain does more than just relax me, it makes me feel at peace and makes everything around me stop for a second. Taking in all the gorgeous scenery and watching all the people around me is one thing that makes everything slow down. Most people think being on a mountain in the winter, probably freezing, uncomfortable is the last place that would make them feel comfortable. I love being away from technology and having time with your own thoughts. While on the mountain you can completely zone out and not pay attention to anyone but

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