Cesna Skyhawk Pros And Cons

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Cessna is a brand of planes where many beginner pilots drive a Cessna plane, most likely the “Cessna Skyhawk.” Cessna was a very successful company, but unfortunately, there was a rough patch in their sales and they had to lay off many of their employees. The economy improved later on and the General Aviation Revitalization Act was passed which allowed Cessna to begin building their Skyhawks again. I am the manager and I decided that I would have my employees would work together instead of each having their own task. I believe this is going to work better now and for the future to come. Pros and Cons There are many positives about having production teams and assembly lines. Since there will be groups working together on the planes, the …show more content…

By having different ages and cultures in the workforce, there will be more experience and having different cultures will bring in more customers. Customers want to see a more diverse employment and it makes my business look better because it looks like I am trying to hire people who can’t find jobs. It is hard to have people with physical disabilities building planes, but I would use them in other areas like customer support. I would make sure everybody is equal so it doesn’t create any stereotypes which can cause a separation in the teams. This diverse group of people can use their different traits and what their attitudes to come up with the best solution and ideas to things. My main focus with diverse groups is to make sure everybody has the same workload and make sure everybody is equal so that there is no controversy. I would use many types of teams in my workforce. If I am going to be dedicated to teams, I want to try them in different areas. They might not work in all areas, but the more areas that can go faster, the better. I would use teams for customers, building planes, and selling planes. It is so important to have a diverse work group in order for my business to keep improving and getting more

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