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Argument for and against censorship
Argument for and against censorship
Censorship of speech
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Censorship is an interesting system because of its variety and versatility. Some governments use it sparingly to protect state secrets and others heavily regulate all forms of the media and internet to try to control the people and what they see. To censor something means to “examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable” (Merriam – Webster). Censorship has been going on since 399 BC, but there wasn’t much need for it until the invention of the printing press due to the fact that censorship is mostly done to documents and websites. Over the last thousand years, censorship has been the subject of much debate and turmoil. Whether or not it morally right for a government to be able to censor things from the public’s
One example of this is an organization called Article 19. They believe very firmly that “Censorship in all its forms is often unjustifiable and is used simply to stop truths or ideas emerge which draw attention to powerful people or governments, or undermine ideology. This is inexcusable.” Although they are based in London, their article cites documents from free countries all around the world including America. All of these documents pertain to having the freedom of expression and not being criticized legally for what you do and/or say. The article also goes into much detail on whether or not governments should be allowed to censor something before it is published or made public and all of the problems that arise with this. For example, they bring up the point that if “the authorities are able to suppress publications which nobody has seen, it becomes impossible for others to verify whether the suppression was indeed justified; it is a question of time before such an unchecked power is abused to prevent criticism of government.” (Article
It does have a lot of strengths and credibility for it to be reliable, but it was biased toward the abolition of censorship. Some of the strengths it had were that it gave many reasons to back up their side and they were all supported by large amounts of evidence, it was written by a credible organization, and it was written by a team of people who were very knowledgeable on the topic of censorship and its rich history. Having these different people write the article makes it somewhat less biased because they all had different viewpoints, but they all had to come together to write one piece. For Article 19 being an organization based on the goal of trying to protect the freedom of expression for everyone all around the world this article was not nearly as biased as it could have been because they did acknowledge the counter claim and nod to the other side at some points. Overall, the strengths outweigh the one weakness and this is a reliable
What makes censorship her overall main idea and thesis is that she puts in the article and states how she is involved in the National Coalition Against Censorship by stating this fact makes us a reader feel and be given that she is dead serious on the topic of censorship and that she feels strongly about It. Also list current teachers like Gloria pipkins who was award winning English program was targeted by the censors for using adult literature ,Cecilia lacks was fired by a high school in st.louis for letting her students creating writing express the language by using words they heard outside of school. Another point that censorship is the overall main idea and premise of this article is that the parents of the young teens and adolescence are pressuring the schools to remove her books form the school and banned they form the curriculum because of questionable content and explicit material
The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances" (First Amendment Oct. 20, 2013). But "the First Amendment does not protect all speech from government censorship, and it does not prevent private non-government entities from censoring. Years of US Supreme Court decisions have identified exceptions to the general rule that the governments in the United States cannot censor" (Censorship Copyright © 2002). American citizen's right of freedom of speech should be held in the highest integrity and any kind of censorship of free speech should not be allowed because it take away those rights. However, censorship has been going on for centuries.
The author provides many facts that support his argument and makes sure to explain how other solutions would not work to solve this problem effectively. The article provides a plethora of facts discussing how the use of censorship is not the way to go due to its negative connotation and how the law cannot do anything, because technically nothing wrong is really happening the law viewpoint. The author finally concluded his essay by discussing how the solution he proposed maybe the best one they can use at the moment and how the solution has been used and been proven successful. The weaknesses of the essay include lack of information regarding the Supreme Court readings and the fact that he did not cite any sources to show ethos, but he himself was the president of Harvard University so that might have been
Imagine a world full of chaos and fights. With no secrets and everything out in the open. In the twenty-first century, censorship is used everywhere. Even if it is unknown to the public. Censorship is always around, whether it be a certain book the public can read, or internet sites people can visit, to classified documents that could be harmful if gotten out to the open world. Since the dawn of time, censorship has been used. Even in Ray Bradbury’s book, Fahrenheit 415, censorship is used as a conflict dealing with the main character and what too much censorship is such as the government making books illegal. Bradbury’s book takes censorship to the extreme such as in this statement, “‘Do you ever read the books you burn?” he laughed “That’s
Censorship is a concept with several different meanings. To each individual censorship has its own meaning. Is it a violation of our rights or is it a protection for our well being? Censorship in the generic sense refers to the suppression of information, ideas, or opinions. It occurs in all forms of communication from technological media to print media. Each society, culture, or individual's belief is violated by the codes of censorship that our society instills.
Censorship has been a big part of the world’s history and especially America’s history. One of the most quoted amendments to the United States constitution is the first amendment; “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ...” This amendment guaranteeing free speech, press, and religion is still heavily debated and contested today. Censorship, as a challenge to free speech and press has been allowed many times and has been heavily debated itself. Many people censor for many different reasons and in many different forms. Censorship itself is not always a bad thing and has in some cases been used for protection of the general population.
these scenes out to allow that age group to see it, it should be left
To understand censorship, you have to start at the beginning. Censorship, no matter the definition, is when people who have power, wish to limit the knowledge of what we are receiving, or what we are expressing. We have not always had the rights we had now. Benjamin Franklins brother and employer, was actually arrested and lost his printing license for expressing criticism in his newspaper about politics. Censorship was going strong in the Revolutionary era, when British Loyalists tarred and feathered people who spoke against Britain. Even back then, we lived in a country where our own opinions, if deemed wrong by the powerful, were quickly put to an end.
The subject of censorship is a very controversial one, especially the banning of books. Many people believe they must protect themselves and others from the "evils" of many classic books and works of art because they can be deemed "indecent" in one way or another. Many believe that this is absurd and censorship in its current form is a violation of our First Amendment right to free speech. Personally, I align myself with the latter, however I do feel there are occasions where censorship is justifiable.
"What is at stake here it the right to read and be exposed to controversial, thoughts and language. The most effective antidote to the poison of mindless orthodoxy is ready access to a broad sweep of ideas and philosophies. There is no danger in such exposure. The danger is mind control especially when that control is exercised by a few over the majority" (qtd. in Hunt
The United States Bill of Rights guarantees its citizens the freedom of expression, but how far does that freedom extend? Does the right to express yourself include the right to observe the expressions of others? According to pro-censorship view holders, it does not. But to those who feel strongly against censorship, the freedom of information, or the “right to know,” should be an absolute right granted to the American public. Censoring material is the responsibility of the individual, not the institution itself, and certainly not the job of a separate institution. Also, the definition of what is censor-worthy is by no means clear.
To what extent should censorship be allowed? Censorship itself should not be illegal, but it should not be done by the government either. Censorship should be something that people and businesses choose to do on their own, for their own reasons. The media should never be allowed to censor anything, because it is their job to provide information, not hide it. Businesses should decide whether or not to apply censorship as a business model, based on what they believe that the customers want, not based on any law that one thing or another should never be seen or
Hence, censorship is essential in society to eliminate discrimination on basis of race and gender, protect children, maintain stability and restore what censor sees as lost moral values. Censorship occurs when expressive materials like books, magazines, movies, videos, music or works of art are restricted to particular audiences based on their age or other characteristics. http://www.ala.org/oif/intellectualfreedeomandcensorship.html) Censorship is not a recent development. It wasn’t imposed properly or there weren’t strict regulations before.
Censorship allows governments more control of society than they already have, slowly progressing governments utilizing censorship to a dictatorship. Often times, this censorship can lead to immense rebellions. A good example of this is in China, where Google has been censored by a provider called The Great Firewall of China, which censors information that could be viewed as defamatory or insulting to Chinese government and culture. According to the article “Google turns off China censorship warning” as published by BBC News Technology, “Google has had a rocky relationship with the Chinese authorities since January 2010, when the company said it may shut down Chinese operations due to a ‘sophisticated and targeted’ cyber attack. Google said at the time that it was no longer willing to censor the Google search engine”. Many journalists have also taken a look at Egypt, which also utilizes censorship. According to “Egyptian authorities step up censorship” as published by the Committee to Protect Journalists website, the new military-run Egyptian government is censoring news outlets and keep journalists, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates. “Egyptia...
The Internet as we know it is based upon the principles of being “free and open”. No single government, company, person, or entity known to man has complete and absolute control over the web (Google - Take Action). However, as with any medium of knowledge, there will always be those who wish to censor it, for better or worse. Censorship can be defined in many ways. In the context of the Internet, censorship may be defined as the act of suppressing or controlling the access and flow of information to achieve a means. This is a deeply ethical issue because the unrestricted flow of information can be a dangerous thing. However, it is also a philosophical issue pertaining to the concept of free speech.