Cause And Effect Of The Winnipeg General Strike In Canada

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The Winnipeg General Strike, which occurred from May to June 1919, became a vocal point between for the clash between Unions and Government. While the strike occurred for little more than a month, its after effects were far reaching. The Strike only served to increase ethnic, and religious tensions across the prairie provinces. While this moderately nullified during the 1920s, due to increased economic activity, the racism that occurred during the general strike was magnified during the Great Depression in the 1930s. However this racism was not only found in Winnipeg during the Great Depression; it was also found in the rest of Western Canada during the Great Depression. As a result, while the racism that was found in the Winnipeg during the …show more content…

This was due entirely to the economic disparities between WASPs and the minorities that had manifested itself across the prairies for decades before the general strike despite the One Big Union attempting to reach across the ethnical divide. As a result, when the strike broke, after the business owners found themselves unwilling to either accede to the strikers demands, or to even negotiate, the business owners turned to these racial minorities and WASP women to fill these jobs. This debate over minority hirings exposed the division within the unions.This notion, among the union leadership, was further reinforced when the companies, which initially hired the minority workers as a temporary measure due to the Strike, decided to keep many of these workers on as permanent employees which were still paid less than the workers who had previously occupied these positions, and therefore improved the employer's profit margin. As a result, keeping the ethnic minorities in certain positions also served to undermine Union solidarity, in attempting to bargain collectively for better working conditions and pay. This was due to the fact was now a distinct minority within the unions that was content with their positions and …show more content…

However the strike's criticism was mostly confined to a few business owners in Winnipeg and across the country while the criticism that emerged in Winnipeg, and elsewhere across the prairies, was directed at the entire capitalist socioeconomic model. Once the WASP majority's economic situation became serious enough that they became concerned about their physical survival, rather than economic advancement, their racial and religious prejudices become of secondary importance as they attempted to increase their basic quality of life. As a result, the WASP majority now identified with the religious and ethnic minorities and the struggles they were facing. In stark contrast, the ethnic and religious minorities never identified with the WASP majority during the Winnipeg General Strike in 1919 and the WASPs demands for higher wages and better working conditions. This created ethnic and religious tensions between the WASP majority, which enjoyed greater opportunities for economic advancement, than the religious minorities. As a result, it took until the 1930s, with the WASP majority losing a significant amount of their material wealth, until the WASP majority began to

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