Cause And Effect Essay On Rape

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just want to sleep! Acoma would be nice. Or amnesia. Anything, just to get rid of these thoughts, whispers in my mind. Did he rape my mind too?” said Laurie Anderson. Laurie Anderson, like many others, expressed herself in this way after being raped. Rape occurs every couple of minutes somewhere around the world and in some cases never reported. Rape can leave victims physically, psychologically, and emotionally damaged. According to rape is sex that you do not agree with, including forcing a body part or object in a person’s vagina, rectum, and or mouth.” In other words, any illegal sexual activity forced onto an individual without consent. However, rape is not limited to just females or specific races. A victim of rape can be any gender, ethnicity, or age. In fact, one out of three African-American women will become a victim of rape in their lifetime! (Starling, 1998) Although it can happen to anyone, rape victims as a result are greatly affected!
Rape can occur among strangers or intimates of all ages, races, and social classes. One survey found that one in six women in the U.S. and 1 in 33 men have experienced and attempted or completed rape as a child or as an adult. Also 18% of surveyed women and 3% surveyed men said they
Most women do not report marital rape for various reasons; (1) they may not want to lose their husband because he is the financial support, (2) she doesn’t want to see her husband go to jail, (3) they have kids, and they do not want to break up the family or (4) simply because she feels like it would be a hard case to prove simply because they are married. The bottom line is rape is rape and it does not matter if you are married to that person if you say “no” and they insist it is considered rape. Marital rape doesn’t have to be abusive it can simply be him violating you in your sleep, and you wake up to unwanted intercourse that is still considered

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