Catcher In The Rye Quotes

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Caught in the Rye

In The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger Holden Caulfield runs away from school and goes on a misadventure. Holden is an intelligent young man who is seeking company and needs guidance.
Holden is constantly trying to reach out to people only to back out due to a complicated situation. The first time we see holden try to reach out is when he goes to talk to Mr.Spencer, he tries to have a conversation but he ends up getting a lecture. “So, you’re leaving us, eh?” (8). At this point Mr.Spencer starts to lecture Holden, preventing him from saying anything back in order to allow any type of conversation. There is a time when Holden is shut down by his own fear. This is when he thinks about going to say hi to Jane. Even though he really wants to see her he is just too afraid to do it. The last time holden is prevented, by himself, from reaching out to others is when he thinks of calling Phoebe. He thought of her like “She was somebody you …show more content…

The very first major incident of Holden making bad decisions is when he leaves his school. As he leaves he shout at the top of his lungs “Sleep tight, ya morons!” I'll bet I woke up every bastard on the whole floor” (52). This is a bad decision because he doesn't even hesitate leaving the school, even though he is failing out he could have still waited for his parents so that they wouldn't end up being worried. The next reason Holden needs some guidance is he is unaware of the dangers of the unknown. He shows no hesitation when he calls Faith Cavendish and ask her if she would like to go out and get drinks. This would be perfectly fine if he had ever met her before. The last time we get strong indication that he need guidance is when he leaves his house. This is troubling because he is only leaving due to the fact that he doesn't want to be seen by his parents even though they should be the people he wants to see

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