Catcher In The Rye Cause And Effect Essay

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Cause and Effect
The creation of The Catcher in the Rye effected how Adolescents developed a voice for themselves, saw themselves in the world, saw others in the world, and the importance of preservation of innocence. This book caused such a change that those younger readers would never be the same and many things were set in to motion as soon as their eyes saw even the first line.
The Catcher in the Rye caused many things to occur since its publication. It was a massive hit during its creation and has still remained as not only one of the famous classics of American Literature, but also as the most popular book to have never been adapted into a film. This book became a classic because of its sophisticated writing, intricate true meaning, character narrative, and most importantly the effect it had on its readers, more specifically adolescents. The children and teenagers who took to this book like a fish to water were changed in many ways. Many often argue that those who read this book at such am “impressionable” age were effected in ways that changed society and they are correct. Without the publication of The Catcher in the Rye those adolescents would have never developed a voice different from social norms, see themselves within the world around them, see others in that world in a new light, and truly understand the importance in …show more content…

After reading this book, children and teens better understood who they wanted to be, who could be and go to for help, dangers in the world, and the importance of innocence. This caused them to become better for themselves and their future children so generation after generation would have a voice, a feeling of belonging, wariness to the dangers of going into the world too fast, and an appreciation for their childhoods. The publication of The Catcher in the Rye changed the world and is still changing the world through is demand for development, growth, and

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