Catcher In The Rye Addiction Essay

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Habit Turned Addiction Engaging in the typically adult activity of smoking takes Holden back to the stress-free life of his childhood when he faces the stresses of his current moment, but morphs into an act of escapism that he cannot break free of. In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden, a 16 year old boy, fails out of his school, Pencey, and embarks on a journey unlike no other. Holden goes on dates, meets family, and new people that stick with him along his journey, and goes to old childhood landmarks, such as museums. Holden is a huge representation of someone struggling to find their way, and making decisions that lead to sudden change in the moment and throughout the whole novel. In The Catcher and the Rye, J.D. Salinger uses …show more content…

Holden decides to make the big decision of leaving Pencey, before the semester ends Wednesday. He decides to leave early because he is flunking out of Pencey, and was asked to leave Wednesday anyway. Holden packs his things and is going to leave Saturday, as he thinks the final decision to himself, and does so. “Anyway, that's what I decided I'd do. So I went back to the room and turned on the light, to start packing and all. I already had quite a few things packed. Old Stradlater didn't even wake up. I lit a cigarette and got all dressed and then I packed these two Gladstones I have” (58). The smoking in this quotation might seem like a small part of the quote, but the smoking highlights the action that Holden is starting. At the beginning of the quote, Holden is surveying the things he needs to pack, and smokes before he starts packing. Him noticing that he already had some gladstones packed connects how he wasn’t tied to Pencey, with one foot out the door the whole time he was there. …show more content…

He visits her in the dead of night, without the knowledge of his parents or Phoebe's knowledge. She figures out what happened to him and Pencey without him directly telling her what happened to him. When he is talking to her, he starts smoking out of habit. “I quickly jumped up and ran over and turned off the light at the desk. Then I jammed out my cigarette in my shoe and put it in my pocket. Then I fanned hell out of the air, to get the smoke out--I shouldn't even have been smoking, for God's sake. Then I grabbed my shoes and got into the closet and shut the door. Boy, my heart beat like a bastard” (1995). Here Holden was smoking in Phoebe's room, but doesn’t give it a second thought until his parents get home, and he sees the error in his ways. Holden's strong connection with Phoebe helps him realize what he is doing and the effects that it could have on the people that he loves. He misses his childhood dearly, and Phoebe is one of the connections that he has still connecting him to his childhood, which is why he loves her so much, despite their age difference. The danger of getting his sister in trouble helps Holden see the error of his ways. You can see that Holden regrets his actions before he even thinks about it, because he takes initiative in making sure that the cigarette is first, put out, then he gets the smoke out, then hides so that

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