Case Study: The Recovery Village

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At The Recovery Village, we believe that long-lasting sobriety begins with a full continuum of care. That means our treatment programs are comprehensive and progressive, with each stage of treatment building on one another for a thorough approach to recovery. MEDICAL DETOX The critical, first step. Our rehabilitation facility houses a full unit for medically assisted detox to ensure your safety and comfort during this difficult but necessary stage. RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT Compassionate care and close monitoring. In residential treatment, we’ll have our highly skilled team create your individual recovery plan and incorporate a variety of therapies with round-the-clock care. PARTIAL HOSPITALIZATION PROGRAM (PHP) Stability with decreased monitoring. Similar to our Residential Treatment phase, this next step provides you with ongoing support from our 24-hour nursing staff …show more content…

Similar to our Intensive Outpatient Program, this state in recovery is meant to help you take gradual steps down out of treatment, while giving you access to our recovery specialists along the way and strengthening necessary life skills. AFTERCARE Ongoing care. In this stage, we’ll help you prepare a relapse prevention plan and keep you connected to ongoing to counseling sessions or other therapies to keep a steady momentum in a life of sobriety. Your recovery is important to us. We want to plan the best course of action for your treatment. Give us a call or learn more about the intake process to find the options that are right for you. EATING DISORDER MEDICAL STABILIZATION We are set up to handle complex medical issues that are often seen in eating disorders, such as severe malnutrition, dehydration, laxative/diuretic dependence, and daily bulimic behaviors. MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH Our multidisciplinary team approach is key to our foundations of care. Working with clients with substance abuse/dependence, eating disorders, or both requires a complete

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