Case Study On The Law Of Tort

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The legal issue about Gary’s laptop computer is overheating and damage sofa involves a civil case for law of tort. According to law of tort, ‘the civil wrongdoer liable to pay damages to victims and it concerns with claims for property damage or personal injuries directly arising out of breaches of a duty of care owed by one individual to another.’ Also, ‘Tort law provides compensation for injury to the person or property causing pure economic loss and for injury to reputation or fame’.

Besides, the legal issue about the seller had sold defective goods to Gary violated commercial law in sales of goods law. According to commercial law, ‘it concerns with agency sales, sale of goods, negotiable instruments and other matters relating …show more content…

But he discovered that the laptop computer had overheated and caught fire, the sofa with value HK$5,000 that was placed next to the laptop computer was also damaged in the next Sunday morning. As the overheat laptop computer and damage sofa cause a property damage or personal injuries to Gary Au, so that Gary Au is a civil consumer can claim case for Law of Tort, ‘obtain a court order enjoining or restraining’ Laptop Ltd and claim for the compensation of his loss.

In Commercial Law in Sales of goods law, the seller had sold defective goods to Gary and the goods are not of merchantable quality. Also, the processors overheat very easily and pose a fire risk but Laptop Ltd still incorporates the processors into their laptop PCs and sell them to the public through the company’s series of retail shops so as to cause Gary’s loss. Therefore, the seller of Laptop Ltd has violated Commercial Law in Sales of goods law. In Law of Tort, the seller is liable to pay damages and economic loss to Gary …show more content…

According to criminal law, ‘it regulates individuals conduct by imposing punishment on those committing illegal acts or omissions’. ‘Its remedies or punishment are usually a fine, compensation, a term of imprisonment or other criminal penalties’.

The legal nature about Ben drove at high speed that cause a car accident by damaged the car of HighTech Motors Ltd and let Janet suffered multiple fractures to her legs violated Law of Tort in a civil case. According to Law of Tort, ‘the civil wrongdoer liable to pay damages to victims and it concerns with claims for property damage or personal injuries directly arising out of breaches of a duty of care owed by one individual to another.’ Also, ‘Tort law provides compensation for injury to the person or property causing pure economic loss and for injury to reputation or fame’.

The legal nature about Ben breach company policy that prohibiting staffs from carrying passengers in company vehicles violated Law of Contract in a civil case. According to Law of Contract, ‘it deals with promises or agreements, once a valid contract fail to perform the contractual obligations, or defective performance, constitutes a breach of contract for which legal action can be

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