Case Study Of The Brandenburg Vs. Ohio Court Case

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The court case that I chose as the precedent for this scenario is Brandenburg v. Ohio. In this court case, a leader from the Ku Klux Klan made a speech at a Klan rally in Ohio and was charged with terrorism, sabotage, and violence.This conviction violates Brandenburgs right to free speech. In the scenario and the court case both Ku Klux Klan members were convicted of a crime that violated the state law which does not allow the advocacy of crime, sabotage, violence and unlawful methods of terrorism. Also in the scenario John Doe is fined $1500 and sentances to 5 years in prison. Both cases are very similar down to the point that they both deal with the Ku Klux Klan. After reading the court case I believe that the punishments given to John Doe

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