Case Study Bhp And Rio Tinto

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2, Why has the leasing standard been changed? What will change? What does it mean for BHP and Rio Tinto? And how AASB 16 would benefit and or disadvantage the BHP and Rio Tinto? AASB 16 was issued in February 2016 and will come into effect in January 2019. This is to replace the current standard AASB 17. Transparency were not achieved under AASB 17 as the leasing items are not complete, neutral or free from error. Under the current standard, leases with similar financial circumstances to purchased assets were classified as finance lease therefore, it is being reported on the balance sheet. On the other hand, any other type of lease was classified as an operating lease and was not subject to the same reporting procedures. Also, under the current accounting standard, the obligation to make future payments under an operating lease are not recorded on the company’s balance sheet even though they represent a future liability The new standard has been developed due to lack of transparency regarding …show more content…

This is due to the fact that many traditional operating leases will now be brought on balance sheet as as right-of-use assets representing its right to use underlying leases asset and lease liability representing its obligation to make lease payments will also be recognised on balance sheet. Also, there is no more rental expense. Under AASB 17, operating expenses operating lease payments are recognised as a straight line basis whereas under AASB 16, all lease will incur a front-end loaded expenses such as depreciation on the Right to use asset and interest on the lease liability. These expenses will be recognised in the income statement over the least term. Moreover, AASB 16 also allows two recognition exemption where a lessee may choose not to recognised the Right-to-use asset and lease liability; the short term leases and low value

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