Case Study: Advance Growth By Size Of Business

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5.1.4 Advance Growth by Size of Business
Figure 02: Advance Growth by Business of Size
Loan-advance growth is one of the good indicators of business growth as well as economic movement. When consumers and businessmen confident about their future growth, they avail more loan for expanding their business and increasing their business portfolio.
Figure 03: SME Growth with GDP From the Figure 02 we observe that the growth is sustainable in small business. Growth of loan-advance is increased in medium business after 2011 in spite of the negative growth of previous two years and same condition for the large/others business. Interestingly, growth is not steady for medium-sized and large businesses moving into the slowdown of the 2010 and 2011. The …show more content…

An upward growth trend that fluctuates erratically due to business churn (i.e., opening and closing of businesses) is not stable growth. Consequently, it is useful to look at growth in relation to growth volatility. Ideally, it is best to see both (1) positive and (2) stable sales growth year-over-year. Lower but more stable growth is also acceptable as it can result in stable employment.
Generally speaking, SMEs in the trade sector is higher in both volume and growth. The growth of SMEs in service sector is high compared to the manufacturing sector although the volume is small this indicate that service sector is more sustainable than manufacturing sector.

Figure 06: Business Growth (vertical axis) of SME Industries Compared with the Type of Business (horizontal axis)

5.1.5 Regression Analysis
Table 05: Regression Model Summary
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square
1 .997a .995 .994
a. Predictors: (Constant), Small Business, Medium Business, Large Business

Table 06: Regression Coefficient with 95% Confidence Interval and Significance Level
Dimensions Coefficients Std. Error t-statistics Sig. 95.0% Confidence Interval for Coefficients Lower Bound Upper Bound
Small Business 1.359 0.542 2.508 0.025 0.197 2.521
Medium Business 1.162 0.951 1.222 0.242 -0.877 3.201
Large/Other Business 0.971 0.038 25.736 0.000 0.890

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