Carl Lee Guilty

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Guilty or innocent, the verdict is up to the people. However, in a small, southern town where race is the main issue, guilty is the chosen verdict. In A Time to Kill, a novel written by John Grisham, Carl Lee Hailey, a black man who avenges his daughter’s attack and rape, faces death row for killing the two men that raped and beat his daughter. Some think he should be turned loose, while others think he should face the death penalty. Carl Lee’s actions do not portray him as a mad man, but a hero who avenged his daughter’s brutal attack. Carl Lee saved his county and maybe even the world from being hurt by the two men who hurt his daughter. Carl Lee is the protector of his family, especially when it comes to his baby girl Tonya, who is …show more content…

I hold no ill will toward the man. He did what I would have done. I got a little girl. Somebody rapes her, he’s a dead dog. I’ll blow him away just like Carl Lee did. He’s a hero. Turn him loose!!” (Deputy Dwayne Looney 536, 537). In the eyes of many, people agreed that Carl Lee is a hero and did not mean to cause harm to anyone else but to the punks who raped his little girl. From a parent’s point of view, a majority would act in a state of anger just like Carl Lee. If a person were to ask, “What would you do if your ten year old little girl was raped, beaten, and then left for dead, and left fighting for her would you react?” The majority of parents would say, “I would kill them and put an end to them ever hurting another child or adult ever again just like Carl Lee.” Some see Carl Lee as an angry father who wanted to avenge his daughter’s attack while others see him as a black man who just wanted to kill two “innocent” white men. Parents understand Carl Lee’s aggression towards these men because well, they hurt his baby girl. If another parent had the same situation happen to their child, there is no doubt in my mind that they would act in a rage such as Carl Lee. While many say that his mind was unclear at the time, it is obvious Carl Lee knew what he was doing, however rage can take over a person’s state of mind causing the to act out such as Carl Lee. Once again, the killings of his daughter’s attackers were not to be an

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