Careless Attitude Essay

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Reverend Billy Graham once said, "Self-centered indulgence, pride and a lack of shame over sin are now emblems of the American lifestyle.” Unfortunately for humankind, today’s society have adopted an insensible idea of civility. As a result, our society today is represented by egocentric individuals that care for no one but themselves. Which makes Todd Schwartz’s theory that the sunlight contains tiny spores that lodge in the cerebellum, making the infected believe they are the center of the universe (Schwartz, 2009). This type of self-centered attitudes seems to be everywhere, but I have personally experienced more often at my workplace. As a cashier of a multinational retail corporation, I have faced some careless, entitled and selfish customers …show more content…

A clear example that shows these irrational attitudes is when prices are higher than expected by costumers. Very often items are moved around the store and left behind in random places creating confusion amount the real cost of an item. By the time the customers realize that their being charged a higher price than what they expect, they usually get very upset and start acting prettily against the cashiers expecting us to match the prices for them. Whenever a customer is really mean to us, our only option is to get customer service manager (CSM) to handle this type of situations. Since most retail markets follow the motto that the customer is always right, employs hands are tied since we are supposed to be polite at all times even though if that means to let others go over our own rights and make us feel inferior. The arrogant attitude of some of this customers led them to believe that they are right and others wrong. So if there is any price that needs to be matched they will not give up until they get their own way creating a big show and if they don 't get their way the will leave furious and threatening never to come …show more content…

Since neither empathy nor compassion is one of the strengths of greedy customers they tend to be very self-absorbed unable to care for others besides themselves. Multiples times before I had customers that will request me to scan faster because they were running late, or hold the lines because they forgot somethings out of their list and they send some else to get for them. This type of attitude is so evident that is not even necessary to work in a retail market to notice this it’s enough to walk through the aisle to see that people will stop in the middle of the lines and leave their shopping carts in the midst of the lines allowing no one else to walk

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