Car insurance Some people maintain the idea that they don’t need car insurance, and that it is a ridiculous expense, but it is in fact an extremely important aspect of safety and not a waste of money at all. The type of insurance you need depends on many factors: • Are you buying or leasing the car? If your car is leased or financed, your leasing company will usually require that you add two more types of coverage on top of the regular coverage: Collision covers you if your car hits another object. Comprehensive covers you if your car is stolen, vandalized, or damaged. • How old is the car? • Where will you be driving?. • Would you have other transportation if your car was damaged? Once you know what you are looking for, go for it! Work it in to your budget! Safety is important …show more content…
We’ve looked at the different challenges associated with marriage, how to handle finances, and the pros and cons of marriage counseling. Altogether, what you have read in this e-book should help to guide you down the right path of blissful matrimony. The truth is, all you need is mutual love, respect, patience, understanding, and the willingness to work through even the toughest of situations to maintain a happy marriage even if that means having to use couple’s therapy. Without trust there can be no true happiness, because in the end it will hinder your ability to see things clearly and in a levelheaded manner. It is also important to remember that even though you are married, you still remain your own individual self, and that goes for your spouse too. You are two separate people who have chosen to come together, and that is a beautiful thing. So, ask yourself again, “who am I?” What are your hobbies? What were your hobbies before marriage and are they the same? Do you still dress the same way, and if not are you alright with that? Do you have pets, and if so are they from before your marriage? Do you still read the same books and watch the same
Marriage is something most people do but few do it well. If a couple is not looking at divorce papers that are probably seeking marriage counseling. If they are not screaming to the top of their lungs at each other they are probably sneaking out to lie in someone else’s arms. If they are not physically abusing one or the other they are probably being mentally abusive. If a couple is not saying hurtful things to each other they are probably not saying anything at all because why would they when the other is not going to listen anyways. We have all been in or seen relationships struggle with these kinds of things. This big question is where did they go wrong? I think the answer to that question lies in Matt Chandler’s book The Mingling of Souls. Chandler’s answer to the question above is that if a couple wants to have a truly successful marriage they must follow God’s design for marriage. Now Chandler is in no way implying that a couple will not struggle if they do it God’s way but they will be able to get through those struggles together. This review is not a summary of the book but it will discuss the strength and weaknesses of
Daw, Jennifer. “Saving Marriages: How to do it?” American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. 16 June 2005. 16 June 2005
So how can the happy couple ensure a happy marriage? A lot of advice has already come their way, some which may be of use, some of it may not. For me, the key appears to be understanding women and how they communicate. I've always found the following a good guide: If the word "nothing" is uttered, this actually means "something" and you should be on your to...
Morse, Jennifer R. "Marriage & Relationships." The Problem With Living Together. Focus On The Family, 2001. Web. 21 Feb. 2014.
Did you know that the first gas automobile was created in 1886? Automobiles have given us transportation since then. Automobiles cause about 1.3 million car accidents per year.
In the book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work (1999) John M. Gottman provides insight on the seven fundamental tools to construct positive relationships. Through long years of research, Gottman studied married couples and noted degenerative behaviors that hindered the formation and attainment of a long and healthy marriage. Gottman research focused on several key behavioral predictors of divorce, which he calls the “The Four Horsemen”; Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling.
Before I finish, I would like to offer my own advice for a happy and successful marriage, now just because I’m not married or never have been it doesn’t mean to say I am now not an expert on it.
According to recent statistics, there are more divorces now than ever before. At the rate things are going, the divorce rate may soon surpass the marriage rate. There are many reasons for such a high divorce rate, but one of the main ones is that people do not realize what they are getting themselves into when they marry. Couples do not realize that marriage is a job that must be worked at continuously in order for it to go well. Because many couples marry for the wrong reasons, a breakdown in communication results, which leads to a couple's growing apart. This process, all too often, ends in divorce.
Did you know that seat belts save over 13,000 lives each year, according to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration). In an accident seat belts are usually the difference between life or death. The NHTSA estimates that over 7,000 lives could be saved if the victims had used their seat belts. There are also many other safety features of a car, like the airbags, zones, and even padded dashboards. Car safety is very important in our everyday lives, and there needs to be more awareness about the effects of not being safe in a car.
Chalmers, Jennifer H. "Romantic Love: Is It a Realistic Goal for Marriage Therapy?" Romantic Love: Is It a Realistic Goal for Marriage Therapy? N.p., 2013. Web. 11 May 2014.
Entering a marriage does not mean that you know everything about your partner. Certain qualities, characteristics, and personality traits may come out even after years of being engaged. A marriage often means living closer to your partner, and this leads into learning new characteristics about your partner you were not fully aware of. Attending pre-marital counseling will provide resources needed when a marriage tends to enter into a difficult situation. Without this resource, it is more likely for a married couple to lose their communication skills within one another, becoming lost in their roles, lack of intimacy disappears, unmet expectations may occur, financing may become a problem, or a lack of individual identify may also become an issue into entering a
A good marriage thrives on the open exchange of emotion, desires, and beliefs; In fact, communication is one of the most important aspects of a satisfying marriage (Marriage Communication: How Does It Work?). The rate of satisfaction in marriage is higher for husbands and wives when both regularly maintain religious attendance and feel that God is the center of their marriage (The state of Our Unions 2011, 31, 33 and Why Marriage Matters: Facts and Figures). Having a strong belief in your faith can help strengthen the communication and commitment to a marriage. Having a clear line of communication is key. Trust is the foundation of a marriage, and the basis of all lines of emotion that result from the feeling you get from knowing you can rely on the person you marry to honor their vows faithfully. Without trust and communication, a marriage will struggle and have a reduced chance of
If for any reasons you do decide to leave your insurance provider, they may issue you a refund. Dropping Unneeded Coverage When a car is brand new, many owners decide to get the best insurance possible. This includes collision coverage, so that if their brand new car is hit or scratched, they can have it covered under their car insurance policy. As your car gets older and decreases in value, you may find this kind of coverage unnecessary if you are trying to maintain the resell
Most states require drivers to purchase auto insurance before they can legally operate a motor vehicle. Pennsylvania is one of those states. If you decide to drive without current car insurance, you could face severe penalties and challenges.
The majority of college students are not particularly made of money. College is very expensive which makes all other expenses in a college students life very difficult to pay sometimes. Car insurance is one of the most difficult and expensive expenses for a college student to pay which is why it is extremely important to know ways in which you can lower your premium. This is important for all people, but especially important for young people who do not have a great source of income to begin with. First off, it is very important to evaluate the cost of insurance before buying a vehicle.