Many would look at the state of the US as being far more stable and successful than most other countries in the world. However, I look at those people and think how ignorant they really are to not open their eyes and see what is in front of them. America was built on the political and economic system of democracy and capitalism. Democracy is the gateway to freedom for the individual to make decisions for themselves without being denied their basic human rights in the process. Capitalism is a good way to challenge people or companies to work hard and compete to do better than everyone else because of the work you put in. So really, are there really any negatives to any of these political and economic ideals? Can any of us really complain about …show more content…
the state of the country? Of course we can because there is always space for improvement no matter how successful you might be. Every president that the US has had did something to benefit this country that our forefathers built with their blood and tears. But I think that their blood has been tainted by our ignorance and sinful ways. Now the question arises, what can we do to rid ourselves of our sins and replace them with what God intended us to do from the dawn of man up until our present day civilization? We must all work together to achieve this goal by creating equality in our America. True equality. Not the false sense of uniformity that politicians have made us believe was a reality. The genuine, authentic, bona fide version of what it is to be equal among all of us. I would like to propose a solution to my fellow Americans on how to fix this crippled nation. To fully fulfill God’s work, we must adopt the fundamentals of Communism and enslave the bourgeoisie swines to purify this forgotten country. We must let the proletariat rise from the ashes like a phoenix instead of letting them be devoured by the bourgeoisie. Our lord and savior, Karl Marx, wrote the holy scriptures of The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital to lead us to the path of utter salvation. We must look upon this proposition with open minds for the sake of this nation's reclamation on the throne in heaven. To do so, I am going to list some of the positives that comes from us adopting communism and enslaving the bourgeoisie swine. Firstly, by enslaving the embodiment of greed, the bourgeoisie, the proletariat will cease from being corrupted by the bourgeoisie.
The lives of the everyday man will be used to the fullest due to the bourgeoisie’s absence in the workplace. Secondly, the proletariat can focus more on increasing the national capital of the country. Rather than the bourgeoisie taking the most income and using it for greed, the proletariat will work to better the country instead of working towards the values that made the bourgeoisie corrupted in the first place. Thirdly, the government’s economic position would be greatly benefited due to the absence of the bourgeoisie swine. The money that went to the bourgeoisie will now go to the government to make the lives of the general population as best as possible. Fourthly, production would go up significantly due to the bourgeoisie doing all the manual labor, which would also increase production time. The more important jobs that need to be done will be given to the proletariat because they will have an incentive to work. The incentive to benefit the nation. Fifthly, more jobs will be available for people to work on plantations to make sure that the bourgeoisie is doing what they were designated to …show more content…
fulfill. Sixthly, the proletariat will be closer to the Almighty Lord and Savior, Karl Marx, which is the ultimate reward at the end of each day. While there are many positives to come out of Communism, other people will disagree and object to the proposal that I’ve brought together.
The main thing that people will way is that there is no competition or reason to work since everybody is now equal. Now, that’s just the corruption of capitalism talking. These people are too worried about how much money they will have and how much disposable income they can spend on meaningless items that they would never touch. Once these people realize that the only thing that matters is the happiness of the nation as a whole, they will be completely on board with the rest of us who are perfectly sane. The state of the nation would be greatly improved if we focused on several things. For one, decreasing the national budget regarding the military and using it somewhere else so we can decrease the amount of debt that we already have. I also think that establishing less government policies like government welfare or anything else that is used to help people who are not willing to actually put the effort in, will result in lower taxes and giving people more opportunities to work for
themselves. Everything that I’ve said before the paragraph prior to this one is not my real proposal. As stated by Friedrich Hayek in The Road to Serfdom, any form of socialism will only end in the economic downfall of our nation. It is only a good idea on paper that has never and will never be successful in a real life situation. I also have to disagree with enslaving people because that will only lead to more troubles in this country. It’s happened once and shouldn't happen again. The United States may not be perfect but compared to Communism, it’s the best thing we have. And one more thing, please don't worship Karl Marx. He’s an absolute madman who may sound smart but doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
In American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865 - 1900, H.W. Brands worked to write a book that illustrates the decades after the Civil War, focusing on Morgan and his fellow capitalists who effected a stunning transformation of American life. Brands focuses on the threat of capitalism in American democracy. The broader implications of focusing on capitalism in American democracy is the book becomes a frame work based on a contest between democracy and capitalism. He explains democracy depends on equality, whereas, capitalism depends on inequality (5). The constant changing of the classes as new technologies and ways of life arise affect the contest between democracy and capitalism. By providing a base argument and the implications of the argument, Brands expresses what the book attempts to portray. Through key pieces of evidence Brands was able to provide pieces of synthesis, logical conclusion, and countless
Throughout the 19th century, capitalism seemed like an economic utopia for some, but on the other hand some saw it as a troublesome whirlpool that would lead to bigger problems. The development of capitalism in popular countries such as in England brought the idea that the supply and demand exchange systems could work in most trade based countries. Other countries such as Russia thought that the proletariats and bourgeoisie could not co-exist with demand for power and land, and eventually resorted to communism in the early 20th century. Although many different systems were available to the countries in need of economic change, a majority of them found the right system for their needs. And when capitalist societies began to take full swing, some classes did not benefit as well as others and this resulted in a vast amount of proletariats looking for work. Capitalists societies are for certain a win-loss system, and many people did not like the change from having there society changed to a government controlled money hungry system. On the other hand, the demand for labor brought the bourgeoisie large profits because they could pay out as much as they wanted for labor.
In Marx’s opinion, the cause of poverty has always been due to the struggle between social classes, with one class keeping its power by suppressing the other classes. He claims the opposing forces of the Industrial Age are the bourgeois and the proletarians. Marx describes the bourgeois as a middle class drunk on power. The bourgeois are the controllers of industrialization, the owners of the factories that abuse their workers and strip all human dignity away from them for pennies. Industry, Marx says, has made the proletariat working class only a tool for increasing the wealth of the bourgeoisie. Because the aim of the bourgeoisie is to increase their trade and wealth, it is necessary to exploit the worker to maximize profit. This, according to Marx, is why the labor of the proletariat continued to steadily increase while the wages of the proletariat continued to steadily decrease.
A person can choose to work to better their station in life. Through education and job advancement along with desire, people are no longer subjected to a social class they can’t escape. A person’s place in this world can now be set by them when they desire more. There are no longer oppressive laws forbidding the change in status growth. State sponsored educations provided to all citizens give everyone the opportunity to grow and shape their future. Higher education is more accessible than any other period giving people the knowledge and skills to grow into better paying jobs and to find better markets for their skills.
To begin, capitalism is the economic ideology that everything is primarily focused towards making profit through the production and distribution of a product. In the article “Capitalism: Where Do We Come From?” By Robert Heilbroner and Lester Thurow, they provide insight on how capitalism has changed over the years and the impact it now has in today’s society. “There were no factors of production before capitalism. Of course, human labour, nature’s gift of land and natural resources, and the artifacts of society have always existed. But labour, land, and capital were not commodities for sale” (Para,17). Capitalism has an impact in my life because in the 21st century children are taught in school skills that will benefit businesses, so that they can continue to make a profit through the production and distribution
When a system is being changed from capitalism to communism, “dictatorship of the proletariat” is the intermediate system. For Marx and Engels, the Paris Commune that ruled France for two months form March 1871 to May 1871 was a model of dictatorship of the proletariat. Under liberal democracy, Marx argued, it is the only the capital class whose right is protected. Marx viewed the state as an institution established to protect the interest of the capitalist society. Marx and Engels believed it the proletariat’s seizing of power that would result abolishing of private property and insures the communal ownership of
...l of rights were enacted, everyone would be employed but there would be very little growth within the country. The country would be a very different place.
They were able to take advantage of the growing technology and exploration to advance out of the middle class and become extremely rich. Through their wealth, the bourgeois were able to gain an enormous amount of influence in society. For example, they have “exclusive political sway” (Marx 18). In other words, the state exists entirely to serve the needs of the bourgeois. However, even more importantly so, their existence is bringing about a gradual disintegration of sentiment and true relations. People are now measured by the amount of material goods they own. Therefore, doctors, lawyers, and other originally honest occupations have become based entirely on wages and familial relationships no longer exist. They have instead been replaced by purely money relations. The bourgeois are also constantly exploiting the lower classes, otherwise known as the proletarians. (Marx
At first, the economic changes were made by new machines and new methods introduced and invented. Machines replaced human in method of production, and people relocated their working place from home to factory (Changes…). Because of the working place was stable, the production in textile increased and made in better qualities, so those could be sold for higher prices. At second, the standard of living grew higher as more productions were made. During 1819 and 1851, the wages rapidly grew for all groups of workers, including blue-collar and white-collar. It was twice as much as the wages during 1781 to 1819, and it was surprising how the wages were doubled in just thirty years. Thus, the revolution helped to create a higher standard of living and assisted the capitalism further down the road.
...organization that they once had. Because payroll- and income-tax revenues would rise, the federal deficit would come down. Social Security worries would fade.
Capitalism and democracy are the aim of almost the whole world with only several exceptions like Cuba, Iraq, North Korea and Myanmar. It is reasonable why states aspire to achieve both capitalism and democracy. Capitalist concepts have resulted in more increase of social welfare than any other economic system. Likewise, democracy has enabled billions of people to enjoy that welfare by giving them more freedom (Audretsch, 2000).
.... This helped the gap between the social classes grow to be even bigger than it was before. The poor were even taxed more than they could afford and worked to their limit. (Knight, H) This left the entire working class unhappy. This led them to rebelling, which lead to more civil disputes.
...r government and help reduce the income gap that exists today. Overall the government can help narrow this income gap in many ways if they tried.
The people who endured the time of the Industrial Revolution benefited greatly. By the end, the wealthy and the working classes would not seem very different. There would be hope for a formal education and eventually prohibition in regards to child-labor. Regardless of the expansion in families, they can now rest easy in assurance that social and economic restrictions would change. With patience and endurance, the Industrial Revolution became one of the most well-known growth periods of all
It is essential to recognize the problems that followed industrialization, but the long-term positive effects are more important because the revolution created massive production of goods, jobs for workers, and most importance is the reform of social class where workers’ lives gradually improved. The facts clearly shows that the reform of social class outweigh the low wages, harsh working and living conditions, short lifespan. The Industrial Revolution left the lasting impression of economic successes and social structure.