Capital Punishment Should Be Banned

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Capital Punishment should be banned
1.0 Death Punishment Not Worth the Cost
Capital Punishment has always been one of the long-lasting controversial ethical debates in modern history. Many said it has a positive effect for preventing violent crimes and should exist in the country. (Cass R. Sunstein & Adrian Vermeule, 2006). However, in my perspective, capital punishment should be banned since the cost of death penalty is relatively high but it doesn’t lead to increase in benefits compare to life sentence. To be clear, I am concerning with the typical cases of death penalty of ordinary crime judges by local and national courts. Criminals judged by military courts need special considerations are out of the discussion. Moreover, I am not going to elaborate on the discussion of the justification of killing in this essay. The discussion of this essay will be centered only on comparing the advantages and disadvantages of death punishment and lifetime sentence.
2.0 Arguments Against Death Punishment
The execution of violent criminal has its long history. To many people, it is conceived as a good way to punish criminals and protect innocent people. However I am going to argue that death punishment is not an efficient mean to punish violent criminals In particular, death punishment is more expensive and failed to show its deterrent effect. In addition to that, death punishment can have irreversible effect on innocent people. On the contrary, life imprisonment is a better alternative. Lifetime sentence is a legal tool that provides the equivalent retribution, but it is cheaper and does not cost innocent life. If we can save resources and preserve innocent lives without sacrificing something morally important, then we should eng...

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...ording to the survey, lifetime sentence could serve as a good substitution to death punishment.

2.4 Conclusion of My Argument:
According to the cost and benefit analysis, lifetime sentence is clearly a better legal practice than death punishment. Lifetime sentence do not cost innocent lives, and it can provide equivalent retributive effect. In contrast, death punishment failed to achieve its perceived benefit. It is showed that capital punishment could not provide significant deterrent effect and is much more financially expensive than lifetime imprisonment. By employing lifetime sentence, we can save resources and preserve innocent lives without sacrificing something morally important. Therefore government should employ life sentence instead of death punishment.

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