Cannibalism Moral

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Is cannibalism moral or immoral? This the question that many people have asked themselves since the beginning of time. In many countries, cannibalism is not against the law, it is okay for a person to eat a person. Cannibalism is not moral and it is not okay for a human being to devour another human, it is just plain disgusting. This paper will explain why it is that cannibalism is immoral, why so many people do it and the history of when it began. People eating people is just plain wrong and there is no purpose for this to happen.
Cannibalism is an act done by humans that involve eating the flesh or the inside of another human. This act is immoral, because it involves the killing of another human being to be eaten, because of tradition or …show more content…

It is said that it began with our closest family, the chimpanzee and continued with the many settlers in the new world. Human cannibalism was first discovered 1606, when the English settlers came to the new world, in search for a new life. The English had just settled in the new world, but were not meet with open hands by the natives. The natives made it difficult for the English to travel to their destination, so when the English found themselves with no food or resources they voted on eating their fallen that had died in the cold and from starvation. This was called the Donor Party establishment. In the book on (page, 266) Immanuel Kant, 1785 wrote “an action done from duty derives its moral worth, not from the purpose which is to be attained by it, but from the maxim by which it is to be determined, and therefore does not depend on the realization of the object of the action, but merely on the principle of volition by which the action takes place, without regard to any object of desire.” What the philosopher is stating in this quote is that as humans we do things without thinking of the consequences or caring if the choice they have made is moral or immoral. The first settlers felt that it was okay to eat the dead, without thinking of the outcome this would bring to them. They did not think of anything before deciding to eat human

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