Canadian Economy

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Canada is a country located in the northern part of North America. It is the second largest country in the world with practically 10 million square kilometres. However, Canada has a small population compared to its size. The population is about 36 million which makes Canada the 38th country in the list of countries by population. The northern part of Canada is very cold and practically inhabited. The population is principally concentred in three cities Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal. The official capital is Ottawa. Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy.
Canada’s economic is based on an economic freedom, the country is the 9th economy freest in the world. The currency of Canada is the Canadian Dollar, its value compared to euro is 35% …show more content…

The economy is mainly composed by the services sector with 70%. Industry is the second sector of the economy with 28%. Agriculture only represents 2%. Canada also possess important natural resources. Canada total natural resources rents represents 5.2% of his GDP in 2013. The value is low, but compared to developed country such as USA (1.3%), it is high. It has been proven that Canada has the third largest oil reserves in the world. Canada is the 4th exporter of oil, and oil rents represents 4% of its GDP. Canada is also present in the coal industry and in the mineral industry with respectively 0.1% and 0.7% of its GDP. Moreover, the forest rents equals 0.4% of its …show more content…

The federal government tries to bring together the different norms, through the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. The first norm is a polluter pays principle, which means who pollutes, pays. However, the non-polluters can also be held responsible for the non-control of a contaminated site, or a contaminating activity. Some properties have to fill up a form on the Environmental Site Registration to check if the properties meet the requirements about the soil, the sediment and the groundwater standards. Moreover, it is necessary to obtain a proof of remediation to receive any development approvals (Saxe and Campbell, 2012).
 The regulation of waste is also very important. The government encourages the recycling and required to implement product stewardship programs for the producers of materials. The liquid wastes that are dangerous are strictly controlled.
 The government tries to protect the fresh water and sea water. There are regulations about the water pollution. Companies are controlled about their wastewater to make sure it cannot harm the fishes and their

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