Can Mars Support Life?

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I believe that it is possible for Mars to have the ability to support life because of the possibility of there being water increases the probability of organisms being able to exist on Mars’ ecosystem, therefore the chance of Mars being able to sustain life. Furthermore, even if water never did or will, as a matter of fact, exist on Mars there is a chance that an organism is able to survive without it.

Bohr models are visual diagrams that show the electron cloud, the proton and electron number, and the symbol of the element which is representing, each element has a different Bohr model; Bohr models also show Covalent bonds between elements, where elements share electrons in order to become stable. The rules to make a Bohr model are (1) Write the symbol of the element and the number of protons of the element in the center of where you Bohr model would be. (2) Find the number of electrons (the number of protons and electrons are equal), then make enough rings or orbitals to put the total number of electrons into them. (3) The first ring takes up to 2 electrons, the second and third ring each take up to 8 electrons. (4) Fill the rings accordingly with the number of electrons of the element by making a small filled circle for each electron. Bohr models are used to visualize elements and how they bond. The six elements essential for life are Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur.

Carbon is the most important element of life because it is the backbone of all macromolecules. The four biomolecules that are based on carbon are proteins, it’s monomer being Amino Acids, they are used for the control of the speed of chemical reactions in the body and they are also used by cells to save DNA in chromosomes; Carbohydrate...

... middle of paper ... However, the macromolecules (carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids) might not be able to be formed successfully, since some of the properties of the elements replaced might be lost when the replacements happen they will probably have different properties than the original macromolecules.

In conclusion Mars does have the potential of supporting life, but it might be different life than humans, since the properties of the macromolecules of life might change. Water is essential for life and useful in many ways, such as regulating temperature. The NCHOPS series can be mostly found on Mars, if they are not they can be replaced by the elements that are both found on Mars and need the same number of bonds to become stable.

Works Cited

(Mars Data),(Student planner),(Sourcebook. Piantini),(Biology - The Dynamics of Life. McGraw, Hill),(Source:Piantini. Sourcebook)

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