Mathematics can easily be titled as one of the most feared and detested subjects in the school system’s curriculum. Most times this mind set is developed in primary education and further influenced by society and last through one’s lifetime. As the importance of math is made significant, the appeal to make it easier becomes an attractive option. In the world we live today, convenience and speed tend to be the attributes that we find most appealing. Proponents of the use of calculator’s basic function and graphing capability in the school have gained popularity as they assist with the speed a student can complete a question, and help answer more complex math applications. On the other hand, the critics insist that with these conveniences the rational issue of calculators weakens very important math skills early in the developmental period in their education. So, the intriguing question becomes: Does using a calculator help or harm our students? We now investigate studies reported in the literature which have delved into these questions with very convincing arguments.
Before 1975 calculators in the classroom were not common, as they were rare and expensive (Banks, 2011, p.7). However, during the 1980’s some states were providing calculators to students for free. The Conference Board of Mathematical Science said that calculators motivated students to do more advanced mathematics. More than thirty years after its invention, the electronic calculator has moved from a machine that could only perform simple operations such as addition and subtraction into a machine that can perform highly sophisticated computations, not only faster, but with a much higher degree of accuracy. At the same time, the cost of a basic calculat...
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...teacher guidance young children can become aware of larger numbers or even negative numbers at an earlier age than they have in the past.
Time for exploration is needed for effective calculator use. If students use calculators to figure out the relationship between the circumferences and diameters of many different round objects, they can get beyond problems of correct division and watch the concept of pi emerge. Doing such work adequately, however, requires that the teacher make the time to allow students to work with their own material until the concept is discovered and internalized. Once such time is set aside the calculator will repay with more time available for searching, developing hypotheses, and testing them. Without anxiety over basic mathematical processes, children will be able to concentrate on the applications and meanings of the world of numbers.
Gelernter disagrees with the comment made by a school principal, “Drilling addition and subtraction in an age of calculators is a waste of time” (279). He reveals the bitter truth that American students are not fully prepared for college because they have poorly developed basic skills. In contrast, he comments, “No wonder Japanese kids blow the pants off American kids in math” (280). He provides information from a Japanese educator that in Japan, kids are not allowed to use calculators until high school. Due to this, Japanese kids build a strong foundation of basic math skills, which makes them perform well in mathematics.
For most people who have ridden the roller coaster of primary education, subtracting twenty-three from seventy is a piece of cake. In fact, we probably work it out so quickly in our heads that we don’t consciously recognize the procedures that we are using to solve the problem. For us, subtraction seems like something that has been ingrained in our thinking since the first day of elementary school. Not surprisingly, numbers and subtraction and “carry over” were new to us at some point, just like everything else that we know today. For Gretchen, a first-grader trying to solve 70-23, subtraction doesn’t seem like a piece of cake as she verbalizes her confusion, getting different answers using different methods. After watching Gretchen pry for a final solution and coming up uncertain, we can gain a much deeper understanding for how the concept of subtraction first develops and the discrepancies that can arise as a child searches for what is correct way and what is not.
Calculators, computers, appliances, and many more things were created to help us. “The tools we use to think change the way in which we think” (Turkle). This point that Sherry Turkle made in her article and it is true, in a way. Computers do things for us and to us, that is also true. Some people like to blame technology for a lot of things and they could be in the right or in the wrong for it. “Technology does not determine change, but it encourages us to take certain directions” (Turkle). Calculators, for example, are only a tool and people will blame them when the answer they get is wrong. They are wrong though, since calculators are only a tool, it means that they are the ones that messed up. If they had done it by hand, there is a 99% chance that they would have done it wrong
Mathematics has become a very large part of society today. From the moment children learn the basic principles of math to the day those children become working members of society, everyone has used mathematics at one point in their life. The crucial time for learning mathematics is during the childhood years when the concepts and principles of mathematics can be processed more easily. However, this time in life is also when the point in a person’s life where information has to be broken down to the very basics, as children don’t have an advanced capacity to understand as adults do. Mathematics, an essential subject, must be taught in such a way that children can understand and remember.
To investigate the notion of numeracy, I approach seven people to give their view of numeracy and how it relates to mathematics. The following is a discussion of two responses I receive from this short survey. I shall briefly discuss their views of numeracy and how it relates to mathematics in the light of the Australian Curriculum as well as the 21st Century Numeracy Model (Goos 2007). Note: see appendix 1 for their responses.
In the article “Technology in the Classroom: Beginnings and Endings”, Mary Ann Matras suggests that, “The pencil is still the most efficient tool”. Many people will agree with her argument because students have learned that way for many years and it has worked. It is also a common fact that when a person writes something down with a pen or pencil they are more likely to remember the information rather than typing it. Author, Mary Ann Matras continues to explain more about why the pencil is a powerful tool, ” When a student can use a pencil to do a calculation faster than and as well as, he or she can do it with a computer or calculator, then the tool for the job should be the pencil,” Mary Ann Matras states. Another issue that classrooms have with technology is that it takes away class time. If a student can do their work as fast as a computer than they don’t need the computer, it is better for them to work it out by themselves. Also, if it takes the same amount of time as writing with a pencil does than a pencil is a better
Mathematical dialogue within the classroom has been argued to be effective and a ‘necessary’ tool for children’s development in terms of errors and misconceptions. It has been mentioned how dialogue can broaden the children’s perception of the topic, provides useful opportunities to develop meaningful understandings and proves a good assessment tool. The NNS (1999) states that better numeracy standards occur when children are expected to use correct mathematical vocabulary and explain mathematical ideas. In addition to this, teachers are expected
...ett, S. (2008) . Young children’s access to powerful mathematical ideas, in English, Lyn D (ed), Handbook of international research in mathematics education, 2nd edn, New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 75-108.
However, technology should never substitute the fundamental learning in our educational systems. Specifically, in primary school, building a firm fundamental education is crucial. Seeing children still using fingers to do simple math in second grade is not a good sign of academic improvement. Though the students may easily figure out the answers by using a calculator, before letting the children get any closer to these technical gadgets, they have to first learn to figure out the answers themselves.... ... middle of paper ... ...
The early acquisition of mathematical concepts in children is essential for their overall cognitive development. It is imperative that educators focus on theoretical views to guide and plan the development of mathematical concepts in the early years. Early math concepts involve learning skills such as matching, ordering, sorting, classifying, sequencing and patterning. The early environment offers the foundation for children to develop an interest in numbers and their concepts. Children develop and construct their own meaning of numbers through active learning rather than teacher directed instruction.
Towers, J., Martin, L., & Pirie, S. (2000). Growing mathematical understanding: Layered observations. In M.L. Fernandez (Ed.), Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Tucson, AZ, 225-230.
After viewing the video by Wolfram (2010), I believe that as teachers we need to prepare more for using computers. Most of my students have a smartphone. And they use it for almost everything, including using the calculator. “Using new technologies involves time, effort, and a rethinking of instructional approaches.” (Sousa. 2015, p. 129). I learned math in a paper, and I love it, but I feel that today that is not enough for our students. Our students get bored about doing calculation the whole time on a piece of paper. Wolfram (2010) questioned, “Do we really believe that the math that most people are doing in school practically today is more than applying procedures to problems they don 't really understand, for reasons they don 't get?”
...nd dynamic changes in the competitive nature of the job market, it is evident to myself that being eloquent in all aspects of numeracy tools and knowledge is imperative in the 21st Century. The calculator is one such tool for children which supports mental computation to check answers to develop independent learning, as discussed earlier. It also fits into the pre-operation developmental stage of a child to enhance their symbolic thinking, similar to that of an adults scheme of thinking, as opposed reliance on senses alone. The interviews further grounded my reasoning around my argument and allowed me to not only gain an insight to how those similar to me think and those not so similar. This investigation has strengthened my argument that the use of calculators in the primary school classroom, if used appropriately, are an invaluable tool for teaching and learning.
During my education, teachers have had many more resources available to them than they did during my Grandpa's time. Calculators, computers, and TV are everyday tools used for teaching. Teachers taught us how to use a calculator at a very early age. Since the fifth grade, I have used a computer to write or research most of my asiments. Every year, the amount of work I do on a computer increases.
Allowing children to learn mathematics through all facets of development – physical, intellectual, emotional and social - will maximize their exposure to mathematical concepts and problem solving. Additionally, mathematics needs to be integrated into the entire curriculum in a coherent manner that takes into account the relationships and sequences of major mathematical ideas. The curriculum should be developmentally appropriate to the