Trapping Reality: A Study of Death of a Salesman

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Cages have many different meanings whether it's emotionally physically or socially this traps the characters from facing reality and fears they may have. In Death of a Salesman, willy is trapped when it comes to facing society instead he just tries to focus on becoming the perfect father and make it as a successful salesman in the world. The problem is willy doesn't want to face the fact that he fails biff when he doesn't biff grows older and doesn't really do anything with his life, at least not as much as will would have liked. Willy believes it's his fault that Biff isn’t a successful man with what he is doing currently, so he tries to push him to become a salesman, something he clearly wasn't meant to be, and Biff knows he isn't good at …show more content…

This shows that whenever willy seems to be in his car driving it's on his way to go to work when he knows that he is just going to a place that he knows he isn't good at what he does, just a constant reminder for him that he is a failure. Willys car is basically his deathbed, and that every time he gets into his car he manages to crash it. This car is such a cage for will because the whole point of cages are to keep whatever is inside of it away from other things or to stay trapped inside of, in this case Willys car is trapping him from having a happy life instead it's just dreadful when he has to get in his car to go to a place that makes him unhappy. At the very end of the last scene Willy just got over a fight with Biff and tells his wife he will be up to go to bed in just a minute, instead he is lead by Ben to get into his car which Linda knows when she hears it start up and yells “No! Willy!” and Willy drives off and crashes it, immediately killing himself. In The Perfect Day for Bananafish PTSD seems to be what keeping Seymour from putting his trust back into

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