CPR Case Study

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The adrenaline rush that CPR causes helps the responder keep going in an attempt to restart the patient’s heart. Many people know about CPR and a lot are even CPR certified through organizations like The Red Cross or The American Heart Association. These basic life support skills have been developed over the years to bring people back to life and keep them alive. This is done by doing chest compressions, also known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which pumps the heart to keep tissue death to a minimum until the heart can be defibrillated into a normal rhythm. It also is done in attempt to put the heart into a shockable rhythm for defibrillation. Issues arise with resuscitating because of a term known as DNR. DNR stands for do not resuscitate, …show more content…

I personally feel like DNR reports should be respected, but require lots of specificity. This is because I know personally that in some situations I would want to be DNR, even though as of right now, I would like there to be an attempt to bring me back to life as I still have many things that I want to do and should do. I believe that states should require lots of specificity in filling out a DNR form in return because of situations like with the organ donors. That specificity could end up being the difference between life and death for someone who wants to fight for their life. Along with that, in those types of emergency situations, the specificity could help get treatment for organ donors quicker, which increases the chances of being able to save the lives of people who need those transplants. The limits should also be required because many times, a surrogate will not actually know what the patient would truly desire in the situation because each individual changes often in both mind and body throughout their lifetime (Ezekiel). The DNR reports should furthermore add limits so that medical professionals can make some decisions, like how currently, some operation rooms are set up so that DNR reports are not valid in them, especially during surgeries (Ludwig). Many people want respect for their decisions, especially when it comes to end of life care because death is a very touchy topic. I know I would want the same too when it came time, whether it is to have the health care providers try to keep me alive at all costs, or if it’s to just let me die after I’ve made sure I don’t have any regrets, also known as a wish for a

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