CPAP Titration Study

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The patient is currently here for a CPAP titration study following a home cardiorespiratory monitoring test that revealed symptoms consistent with OSA. CPAP titration protocol was explained upon arrival. The patient expressed prior to hookup that he was unsure if he would be able to tolerate CPAP therapy due to nasal congestion that also affects his ability to initiate/ maintain sleep.

Lights off at 2218, supine quiet 96%. Beginning CPAP 5 CMH2O, mask is a Quattro (medium) full face mask. The patient started the study with a full face due to nasal congestion that would affect therapy.

2232 CPAP to 8 CMH2O for patient comfort. He stated he wasn't getting enough air at the lower pressures
2239 CPAP to 9 CMH2O for patient comfort he was still

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