A cesarean section, also called a c-section, is the surgery to deliver a baby at birth. (www.webmd.com) The baby is taken out through the mother's stomach. in certain circumstances, a c-section is scheduled in advance, but in other cases it's done in response to an unforeseen complication. for a c-section there can be some sort of pain depending on the person and how their health may be. (www.babycenter.com) There can be little to no pain at all and the healing may take longer than a viginal birth. If there was ever a time where I would want to plan a c-section than I would talk to my doctor. i would make sure if it's okay for me to have a c-section or if it's better to have it naturally. but if you ever had a c-section before than a c-section
In this time having a cesarean was very dangerous for the mother and the baby. In some cases, a cesarean would lead to
When pregnant, many expecting mothers are faced with a very tough decision, the decision to have an epidural during labor or to have a natural birth. Both methods have negative and positive aspects. This topic has such conflicting views that about 50% of women decide to get an epidural when going into labor and the other 50% of women choose the alternative: natural childbirth. It is important for an expecting mother to look into both options thoroughly to ensure they make the best choice for both themselves and for their child. With all of the speculations circulating about both options, it is hard for mothers to see the truth about both epidurals and natural childbirth.
Upon viewing “More Business of Being Born” (Epstein, 2011), I learned a lot about the different pros and cons of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). Women are often deprived of the choice of the method of delivery of their children after they’ve previously had a cesarean birth. The cause of this is that there exists medical fright about a rupture of the uterus which often leads to death of mother and baby (Epstein, 2011). In the mid twentieth century, it became a common saying that “once a cesarean, always a cesarean” came about. This saying perpetrated the fear and understanding that women have to go about having another cesarean, depriving them of choice (Epstein, 2011).
Why should I have a natural birth, “You don’t get a medal for going without drugs, you know.” Why go through the pain when you can get an injection that can take away just enough of the pain that you can still enjoy the labor? “There is no shame in asking for an epidural,” said Dr. Cynthia Wong of Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Northwestern University. In the United States more than 80% of pregnant women are now having c-sections. Epidurals give the mothers a chance to participate in the delivery and actually enjoy it. You can also get a walking epidural so that you can still push during the labor and cope with the pain.
I want to help you narrow it down because when you go into labor, the last thing you need is to still be second guessing your choices. Go confidently into that glorious wonder! First, let's go through the cons of having
If the mother waits until the third trimester (when the baby is more developed), then she must have Partial Birth Abortion. Using Ultra-sound, the doctor grabs the baby’s legs and forces out all but the head. Scissors are then jammed into the back of the skull and opened, creating a larger hole. A suction tube sucks the brains out, causing the skull to collapse. Then the dead baby is removed.Believe it or not, the mother is also harmed. In Suction Aspiration, if any tissue is left inside, it’ll become infected.
“Anesthesia is given to the mother and her cervix is quickly dilated. [Then] a suction curette is inserted into the womb . . . [and also] connected to a vacuum machine by . . . [another tube that’s suction is about 30 times stronger than a household vacuum. The suction] tears the fetus and placenta into small pieces that are sucked . . . into a bottle and discarded” (“Surgical Abortions” 1).
Between five to ten percent of all infants are born more than two weeks before their due date due to several factors that include infections, illness, poor nutrition, or complications during the pregnancy. Fetal monitors are used in the cases of C-sections because there is a much higher risk of detecting the infant’s distress and therefore can go in more quickly to remove the baby from the uterus. When the mother is under general anesthesia, which is rare in the United States, the mother is not aware of any kind of pain or even the birth of her child. When the mother has spinal anesthesia she has no feeling from the waist down. Sometimes, the best indication that the baby is in distress is the mother- an unfamiliar pain occurs or something else could be a sign of problems.
Worldwide, the rate of cesarean section is increasing. According to the CDC, in 2012 the rate of cesarean sections comprised 32.8% of all births in the United States (CDC, 2013). Between 1996-2009 the cesarean section rate has risen 60% in the U.S (CDC, 2013). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 50% of the 137 countries studies had cesarean section rates higher than 15% (WHO, 2010). The current goal of U.S. 2020 Healthy People is to reduce the rate of cesarean section to a target of 23.9%, which is almost 10% lower than the current rate (Healthy People 2020, 2013). According to a study conducted by Gonzales, Tapia, Fort, and Betran (2013), the appropriate percentage of performed cesarean sections is unclear, and is dependent on the circumstances of each individual birth (p. 643). Though often a life-saving procedure when necessary, the risks and complications associated with cesarean delivery are a cause for alarm due to the documented rate increase of this procedure across the globe. Many studies have revealed that cesarean deliveries increase the incidence of maternal hemorrhage and mortality and neonatal respiratory distress when compared to vaginal deliveries. As a result, current research suggests that efforts to reduce the rate of non-medically indicated cesarean sections should be made, and that comprehensive patient education should be provided when considering an elective cesarean delivery over a planned vaginal delivery.
Many women today are doing more C-sections, also known as cesarean, than they are natural. Whether the reasons being because it’s more convenient or that some moms did not really have a choice, the percentage is still growing. “The cesarean delivery rate increased from 26% to 36.5% between 2003 and 2009; 50.0% of the increase was attributable to an increase in primary cesarean delivery (National Partnership for Women & Families, 201.)” There are many things to consider when deciding which is the right or safer choice. With both choices comes risks for the baby like, possible respiratory problems with a C-section. The mom has many risks to worry about for herself as well, like possibly hemorrhaging. There is also the recovery and the long-term effects that a woman has to put into consideration. They both have their pros and cons that should not be taken lightly.
Dozens of couples in the United Kingdom are opting to have this done so they can give birth to free from disease
Over the years birthing methods have changed a great deal. When technology wasn’t so advanced there was only one method of giving birth, vaginally non-medicated. However, in today’s society there are now more than one method of giving birth. In fact, there are three methods: Non-medicated vaginal delivery, medicated vaginal delivery and cesarean delivery, also known as c-section. In the cesarean delivery there is not much to prepare for before the operation, except maybe the procedure of the operation. A few things that will be discussed are: the process of cesarean delivery, reasons for this birthing method and a few reasons for why this birthing method is used. Also a question that many women have is whether or not they can vaginally deliver after a cesarean delivery, as well as the risks and benefits if it. Delivering a child by a c-section also has a few advantages and disadvantages for both the mother and child; this will also be discussed in more depth a bit later.
...then you will not even think twice about having one. I don’t agree with abortions at a certain extent. If I got pregnant I am not sure what I would do because I wouldn’t want to grow up that fast, and I would want to finish college and get a good job that way I know for sure I could support my child like I would want to, but if I did have a good job and me and my boyfriend had a steady relationship, then abortion wouldn’t even cross my mind.
Being healthy while pregnant is an important factor when considering carrying a baby. The risk of dying by giving birth is higher than having an abortion (ProCon). Not at women can handle the negatives of giving birth and survive through them. If a woman is aware that should is not healthy enough to give birth, she
An obstetrician is one thing, and a gynecologist is another. The job is combined together, but the two branches can be worked separately. An obstetrician is a physician who focuses and is trained in the management of pregnancy, labor, and pueperium (the period following childbirth). A physician who has specialized and trained in the health of the female reproductive system is a gynecologist. The reason the jobs are combined is because they’re both all about women. Obstetricians and Gynecologists are physicians who provide general medical care to women. They equip medical care associated with pregnancy or childbirth, and they diagnose, treat, and help prevent diseases, especially those affecting the female