Bwenatoga Maya Livati: A Short Story

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Bwenatoga Maya Lilavati lived in Mojenjo Daro, India. His parents died of pneumonia when he was young and all he had left was his older brother, Sadeine. Bwenatoga lived as a guard of his highly protected city. Sadeine was a guard as well except he worked on the other side of town and rarely saw his brother. Bwenatoga stayed up in a watchtower all day while his brother got to patrol the city. He was proud of what he was though. He rarely complained to his Raja Commander for a promotion and was delighted with the weaponry. He would use a crossbow to take down any enemy invasions. The only thing he disliked was his partner Kanchana who barely ever talked and when he did it wasn’t always nice things. Other than that he was a proud man. One …show more content…

The thunder and lightning were getting bigger and bigger in the sky. He heard a window crash underneath him and saw kids running around on the wet concrete. “Get back into your houses and stay there until this is all over. I don’t want anybody to get hurt.” “What’s going on?” Somebody called up to him. He didn’t know how to answer. “Nhaaaaaaaaaaa!” He looked out into the darkness and could've sworn he saw something move in the distance. No, it was just his imagination. Nothing had entered his side of the invasion wall in years. “Nhaaaaaaaaaaa!” There it was again. It was a sound that he had never heard before. This time he was sure there was something out there. He raised his crossbow. He could actually see some sort of animal like creature standing in the shadows. He had seen artisans make jewelry and drawings before, but that was nothing compared to whatever was on that creature. It had red paint all around it’s eyes and cloth all down it’s sides with pictures on them. There was a small fence on top of it to protect the two men that were sitting at the top each holding an iron spear. Bwenatoga only had a few seconds to look at them and then they were gone. Bwenatoga looked at Kanchana who was standing next to

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