Butterfly Garden Symbolism

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This butterfly garden gives a figurative symbol for humanity's life through Jesus Christ. We experience life, death, and resurrection through suffering. This is known as the Paschal Mystery, or the Easter Pattern. Caterpillars experience "death" when they are in a cocoon, but they are "reborn", or resurrected, and seen by the world once again. They also have a new and glorified body, just like Jesus had a new body. Humans are "reborn" with a glorified body or persona. The garden is made complete with the life of the butterflies after their suffering, just like humane suffering makes something else complete and free of brokenness. The Prayer of the Messiah says "for you are the Lord Most High, of great compassion, long-suffering, and very merciful, …show more content…

Throughout the Church, the Stations of the Cross depict how much Jesus loved us while he was on Earth. In the end, his suffering and crucifixion saved us. We were redeemed and granted salvation. This shows God's love for us too because His only son was in immense amounts of pain and agony, but he died for all of us and the brokenness in the world. Galatians 5:24 says "And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires". This means that Jesus died for our sinful desires through His Passion for us. Humans are worthy of God's salvation because we were made in his image, and we are meant to live our lives through Jesus' examples and through Christ. Jesus relieved us of that sin and evil that surrounded so many people. Exodus 15:2 says "The Lord is my strength and my might, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him". This means that everyone is saved, and everyone deserves salvation, and everyone was saved by the Lord. We must look to him for help when we suffer and even when we are not suffering. The depth of your reflection represents the depth that God's love holds for

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