Brothers Lc Funeral

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The day of my brothers LC funeral was a very sad day. I had just got ready and I remembered it like it was yesterday.I was in the sixth-grade, maybe around 2015 we had just buried my grandmother. It was a very rough time for the family in general. The funeral was at Mt. Zion MB Church right off Roosevelt Rd. The family and friends were instructed to wear all White and Gold accessories. I and my nieces wore matching white tutu's, white blazers, and gold flats. At the time of the funeral, my family needed to gather together to make things right knowing no matter what the problem was we are still a strong fighting family.When we entered the funeral, I felt sick to my stomach but, I knew I had to get over it. When we got to the funeral I saw my …show more content…

Following after that, we viewed the body once more before we buried and seen his wonderful face for the last time.On the way to the cemetery, the police arrested My cousin Baby T and tried to arrest my brother Tyrone for a stupid matter of "disruption to the community". Tyrone had to find another way to get to the funeral. I was scared I kept yelling "Help my brother god, please.". At the cemetery, I put this t-shirt with my big brother who was in jail at the time on the casket because Tony said that was it was his way of cherishing his big brother.I cried for the whole part of the burial but when my nieces and nephews released the doves I felt better knowing my brother was in a better place. After all the commotion at the cemetery, we went to the repast to get some of my aunties great food and play outside with my cousins. When we were playing outside we heard gunshots from a close distance and my brother yelled: "Everyone get inside of this repast right now.".When everyone got inside they then discovered that they sent my cousin to the store alone. My sister made me do a head count of all the kids in the bathroom to make sure we were all there.

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