Brief Summary Of The Book 'Fredrich' By Hans Peter Richter

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It all started on January 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler took over power in Germany. In the historical fiction book, Friedrich by Hans Peter Richter, Friedrich the main character suffers and dies in the Holocaust. Friedrich, a young Jewish teenager, and his friend are growing up in Germany in the early 1930s. When Hitler comes into Germany and takes over, Friedrich’s world changes. First he is expelled from school. Then his father is arrested and later sent to an unknown place. After losing his father, his mother dies. After he has no parents and no one that will take him, he becomes an orphan. At the end Friedrich dies. All Friedrich wanted was to have a friend to play and have fun with but when Hitler came everything was changed. When Hitler first came into the power of Germany, Friedrich and his friend, who was not a Jew, were still able to play together at home. But if they were seen outside together, Friedrich would get in trouble. One example was when Friedrich’s friend tossed him his bouncy ball and it hit a store's window and broke it; Friedrich got in trouble and blamed for breaking the window. The author says, “I waited until a pedestrian had gone by, then hurled the ball back to Friedrich… There was a crash… Suddenly the women …show more content…

Many Jews had no choice of what they wanted to do. The author described, “ Dust and heat greeted us outside,(137)” as people were dying the smell was getting worse and worse by the second. Friedrich was now dead and the remains of the area were devastating. Another description states, “Glass splinters and fragments of tiles covered the street. (137)” Not only is the heat bad enough but there was glass everywhere from all the buildings and the local shops being destroyed. Many of the people did not want to go outside if they were inside hiding. When the World War II ended many people were scared of the outside

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