Brayden's Surgical Deficiency Syndrome

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The ER was filled with people as the morning rush settled down and the people were treated. Brayden, a 26 year old, was nervous for her first day of surgical residency at Portland Oregon's hospital. She had just come out of MED school and was excited to be in the action. As a college and MED student, she was determined, driven and happy with where she was going in life. As her first trauma came through the doors her blood rushed through her veins and she ran to them. As Brayden accessed the situation she realized it was a bullet wound that had just missed the carotid artery. Just then, as she grabbed the gauze pads the power went out. All the monitors went black and the ventilators stopped working. The generators only took a few seconds to …show more content…

But when they heard the cries of their patients, their instincts kicked in. Now only relying on their fight or flight responses.
“All medical personnel, grab a hand ventilator and find the nearest patient that needs help!” screamed the attending on the floor. But as Brayden applied pressure to the wound, she froze in fear about what was to come.
The sound of screams was distant and muffled as a high pitched hum filled Brayden’s eardrums. For a moment the room went dark and she was the only one there, standing, unable to move. It was silent for a second and then the sound of her breathing consumed the room. It was fast and shallow, leaving little room to pause. Her breathing turned became rapid before coming to her senses. And just like that, she was standing there again afraid of what was to come.
Her patient, a tall, muscular man, was consequently bleeding to death. Brayden comprehended the situation and understood she needed to get him to an O.R right away. Ordinarily this would be a simple task, but considering the circumstances, it was going to be a challenge.
“Have we IDed the man?” shouted Brayden to one of the …show more content…

Although she had studied under many different specialties, Brayden was the least familiar with the cardiovascular specialty.
“Where is Dr. Howard?” Brayden screamed in panic. “Did anyone page him?”
The nurses looked at each other and nodded, holding their breath, waiting for a response.
“Dr. Howard is in emergency surgery with one of the trauma patients. He told me to tell you he will be there when he can but to start without him. He also suggested finding a attendy that is available to assist you during surgery,” explained an ER nurse.
“Ok, get me an O.R now and tell them we’re on our way,” Brayden explained urgently.
As they walked through the halls on the way to the ER, Brayden went through the surgery in her head. She told herself she could do it, that everything was going to be ok. Her hands were shaking as she pressed on the wound. This is it, she could do it, she just needed to stay calm. Walking through the doors to the O.R she realized this was the first day of the rest of her life. Her fears and doubts went away and suddenly it was just her and the

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