Brave New World Without Social Stability Essay

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Aldous Huxley famously once said in his novel, Brave New World, that there is “No social stability, without individual stability.” This ideology is specifically true in society’s lives today, as in order for us to work together in a community, we must first satisfy all of our individual needs. Humans are all innately selfish and self-centred and when our lives are on the line we will think more about ourselves than our neighbours and peers. A community of people is a mixture of people from different backgrounds and cultures who hold a multitude of different ideologies and beliefs. In order for a community to retain its stability and thus its health and harmony, the stability of each of its individual members must be fulfilled. A person’s independent security can only obtain stability through an abundance of a variety of resources at their disposal, a set of rules or laws and people who enforce them, and a community that they feel they belong in and share the same ideological beliefs. Without these basic needs, an …show more content…

This completion is not evident in the boy’s community in Lord of the Flies and results in the destruction of life on the island. It is a microcosm for life in general, in which humans must meet what our basic needs before we are able to develop into our fullest potential in order to benefit our community. Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs accurately describes the domino-like pyramid that our needs are based on, and if one individual doesn't meet their needs, then they fail, and the community fails as we are all interconnected while in a community. Overall, humanities individualistic needs must be overcome before it can focus on the needs of itself and

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