Brandon Mclain Edgar Allen Poe Rough Draft

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Edgar Allen Poe used his literary works, to deal with stresses of reality. In his works he vented his frustrations and own negativity, and often used his own life experiences in his characters. Poe made it through much of his life by disguising his feelings in his work. To begin with Poe was considered to be a gothic fiction writer. Specifically his most used themes were questioning of death, reanimation of the dead, and mourning. However Poe also wrote humor tales and hoaxes. He was a very confused individual but he used his life and pain to become a very famous author. (Gale.Web, 2013)
Edgar Allen Poe had a very complicated life from his birth. To begin with Edgar was born on January 19, 1809. (Britannica, 2013) In the meantime his father disappeared. Yet no one knows what ever happened to him. Then at age two he went on tour with his mother where he watched her die. (Britannica, 2013) To be more specific she kept spiting up blood and soon died of Tuberculoses. Afterwards Edgar was adopted by Frances and John Allan.
Although the beginning of Edgar’s life was rough his teen years were no better even though his foster parents tried to help. First the couple had Edgar baptized in 1812 at the Episcopal Church. (Britannica, 2013) However while at the foster’s house Mr. Allan spoiled Edgar. On the other hand Mr. Allan aggressively disciplined Edgar. Furthermore the Allan’s sent Edgar too many schools to try and boost his education. Specifically he was sent to Virginia College to study ancient and modern language in 1826. (Britannica, 2013)However the school had a no gambling law, so Edgar got kicked out when caught.
In Edgars later life he did a lot of traveling so not much is known for his life in these times. In addition to movi...

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...ive of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket.” (Gale.Web, 2013) Actually the sequel was written in two different parts. Furthermore it was set back in 1839 while Poe was still alive. Also Poe’s work spawned innumerable imitators. However they were all clairvoyants or psychics. Yet they all claim to get poems from channeling Poe’s spirit. (Gale.Web, 2013)

Though there is a lot known about Edgar Allen Poe no one knows what happened every moment of his life. Moreover he was a great writer who used pain and grief power great things. For instance a lot of his stories focused on death because he witnessed much death in his life. In other words he turned a bad thing into a good story. Above all Edgar Allan Poe was a great man who just had a very troubled life. Specifically watching people he cared about die. Nobody will ever know the complete story behind this magnificent man.

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