Brancusi The Fish Analysis

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While we go through life every day, the words we use and the things we do are all some forms of art. In this chapter, I learned the effect art has on our daily lives and how art shapes the world around us. Sculptor Constantin Brancusi spent most of his life finding normal everyday objects to sculpt in a different light. In one of Brancusi’s pieces of artwork “The Fish”, he uses a simple object such as a submarine to give off an aura of an object moving swiftly through the water. Although a submarine and a fish are not the same things they share similar qualities, while they both move very gracefully through the water. Brancusi took a submarine and made it in the form of a fish to show people a different view on different objects. Art is everywhere …show more content…

One of the first forms of art discovered was paleolithic cave paintings, during the late 19th century by a group of scholars. The theory behind the paintings was that it was a made for the pleasure of hunters while they took a break from hunting for the day. Other scholars then believed it wasn’t the painting itself that stood out, but that the placement of each object is what stood out to them the most. This is what art is all about. Art isn’t supposed to mean just one thing, it is to give people the opportunity to think outside of the box. Like in the cave paintings for example, while some people see the art as just a pleasure of passing time for their next hunt, others believe the placement of the objects has a meaning to them. There is no right or wrong answer to why the art was created, because most art is to make you see things with a different meaning of light, just like in Constantine Brancusi’s many forms of artwork. Art does not always have to be created by the specialist known as an artist in our world today. Everybody contributes in some form of art in their daily lives. Most of the things we see are some form of …show more content…

We all cherish the art, but we also acknowledge the artist. Some famous artist that are well known are, Van Gogh, Picasso, and Michelangelo. All of these artists may not all share the same types of artwork, but they all have one thing in common. All of these artists create these pieces of artwork for a specific reason. Whether it’s to tell a story or show something in a different form of light, these 3 artists along with every other artist in the world all share their pieces of work to have people look at their artwork and think outside of the box. Just like in painting the “Mona Lisa”, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. Some people may view this painting as just a women on a balcony, but other see more to the painting than what it actually shows. There is a story behind even the simplest pieces of artwork. The aesthetics of artwork truly stands out to people. Many people believe all artwork should be beautiful, although that is true in all artwork being beautiful they are all beautiful in their own ways. People who have no form of training in the art field but still have the interest to create art are called a self-taught

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