Brampton Is Not An Ideal Place To Live

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Why I live here - After my parents moved to Scarbrough in 2003, my dad found a job and a few months later they decided to move to Brampton because it was closer to that job. my dad’s work

Why Brampton is not an ideal place to live in Safety & Health First, Brampton has the highest car insurance rate in Ontario. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, high insurance rates mean higher accident liability. Our level of crime has continuously increased in the past 3 years, giving us an extremely high crime rate. Starting from the 90’s, the number of people who use or deal drugs have increased rapidly as well as continuously. Notwithstanding the forests as well as other unpatrolled areas, Brampton already has a shortage of police patrol the area. All of our mayors have never acted accordingly to the situation, therefore leaving it the way it is. With less police there are more criminals moving here since they think it’s safer moreover.
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No, major companies do not mean Starbucks, major companies like IBM or Microsoft. You may think why are those companies important? It’s not like we can buy a new laptop from their business buildings. Well, think about it this way. Those companies need an abundance of employees, giving more job opportunities to the public, with a decent pay. But without them, searching for jobs in Brampton is a slow process. The unemployment rate in Brampton may be about the average, but a majority of the employed have jobs that are low paid along with low skilled manufacturing as well as retail jobs, that are substandard for the health of the workers, consequently attracting that high immigration base. Moreover, Brampton’s job opportunities are harmful to health nevertheless the age of the

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