Borderline Personality Disorders

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When a parent yells at their children, most people will not think anything of it. In fact, majority would call this natural, a natural teaching of a child with behavior management problems. Throughout my research, I have learned the concept of how the tip of the iceberg of behavior issues is reflected as the beginning age of verbal abuse, and the beginning of borderline personality disorders. A sense of disruption to their emotions has enhanced the cycle to obtain borderline personality disorder, which has started an ongoing epidemic of other disorders. Also these disorders can cause children to feel a sense of disruption. This encourages a malfunction in the brain, which could eventually be their demise and the need to succeed is outcast by the feeling of failure. Verbal abuse has been around for some time now, during this new age it has peaked at its highest point with no slight chances of slowing down. Borderline personality disorder is indeed caused by the verbal abuse and children who have witnessed this are ticking time bombs waiting for something or someone to push the wrong ...

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