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Importance of customer service care in a business
Importance of customer service care in a business
Importance of customer service care in a business
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As Southern Oaks Plantation approaches our 30th anniversary, we want to celebrate by thinking back to how things began: with a drawing on a napkin. New Orleans natives Bobby and Sue Asaro, the founders, had successful positions in the medical field when they were newlyweds. The two of them had been working in the medical field for nearly ten years, Bobby as a vascular technologist and Sue as an ultrasound technician. While they were anxious, they knew they wanted to pursue a new challenge in their lives. Bobby had found a new passion in photography. To progress his hobby, he would set photo shoots of weddings and soon, Sue was joining him in the events. Through all their creative and energetic efforts, Bobby and Sue became the most sought …show more content…
Working closely with brides, reception venues, and catering companies, he realized what that thing was. A personalized service -- paying personal attention to the bride, groom, and their parents. To convey this idea, Bobby sketched the venue on a napkin for Sue while at dinner one evening. The first step toward the ambitious dream of opening their own reception venue was to find the right location. Driving down Hayne Boulevard one afternoon, Bobby spotted what would become Southern Oaks Plantation. A stately antebellum-style home, vacant and neglected at the time, held the potential to be the beautiful venue Bobby imagined. While friends and family tried to talk him out of the decision because of the property's failed past, Bobby was convinced that this property would achieve success. The bad luck hanging over the property vanished when Bobby and Sue Asaro opened the gates in January, 1987 and the first celebration was booked that same day. With attention to detail, the Asaros have built something of excellence. Atmosphere, body language, and cleanliness are always carefully monitored during an event to live up to Bobby and Sue's expectations of impeccable
Mr. Carter's plantation as "rotten little two-room shacks'''. The only difference for her and her
The stories that the author told were very insightful to what life was like for an African American living in the south during this time period. First the author pointed out how differently blacks and whites lived. She stated “They owned the whole damn town. The majority of whites had it made in the shade. Living on easy street, they inhabited grand houses ranging from turn-of-the-century clapboards to historics”(pg 35). The blacks in the town didn’t live in these grand homes, they worked in them. Even in today’s time I can drive around, and look at the differences between the living conditions in the areas that are dominated by whites, and the areas that are dominated by blacks. Racial inequalities are still very prevalent In today’s society.
This document acknowledges the different set of rules about what the master expect from his slaves to do and not to do. The plantation rules described in this document is accounted from the diary of Bennet Barrow’s, the owner of 200 slaves on his plantation in Louisiana on May 1, 1838. No one will be allowed to leave the plantation without Barrow’s permission is the first of many plantation rules. To add, no one is allowed to marry out of the plantation and allowed to sell anything without their master’s consent. Rules implemented by Barrow is strictly dedicated to the safety and security of his plantation of from encroachment of outsiders. He is more concerned about his
The Exhibition Hall built by Stephen Kemp, is the oldest and most unique hall on the fairgrounds; it was the first hall to be built (Wynn). Only used “from (1850-1860), the innovation octagon style was used for hou...
As Bailey, the grandmother’s only son was escorting his family on this trip through the South en route to Florida, Flannery O’ Connor vividly described the scenery along the road such as the makeup of Stone Mountain and its different shades, the assorted rows of crops which was best described as “rows of green lacework on the ground”, and the way the sunlight cascaded along the trees. Among all this beauty, John Wesley fixed himself to say, “Let’s go through Georgia fast so we won’t have to look at it much”. The grandmother was taken aback by this comment. She explained to him that if she were him, she wouldn’t talk so negatively about the state that is his own home state. She continued to reflect about the past, referring to the children about how the kids in her days were not only respectful to
Self-preservation, natures first great law,All the creatures, but man, doth awe.-Andrew MarvelleLove, family, and small thrills are but three things to live for. Sometimes they are the only things to live for. Sometimes they are what drive us to survive. For some of the inmates at Angola State Prison, there is little to live for and they still survive.
The story begins by illustrating the Hamilton’s Southern rural society, which seems eerily similar to the slave society that existed almost forty years before. Berry is initially described, as “one of the many slaves who upon their accession to freedom had not left the South, but had wondered from place to place in their own beloved section, waiting, working, and struggling to rise with its rehabilitated fortunes” (1). This description of the “beloved” South is strange considering that Berry, along with many other Southern blacks, had been enslaved here for generations and treated more like animals than human beings. This makes it apparent that while the South has been extremely limiting and unchanged since the Civil War, it still provides comfort and a sense of home for these unfortunate post-antebellum African Americans. It also...
One form of punishment, a master would use often would be to threaten to sale a slave to get them submissive. When he could not break them or to make an example for the other slaves, he would sale them. Enslaved people knew if the master died as well as if the master was under financial stress, they could be sold. Profit was another reason slaves were auctioned. $1000 to $2000 could be attained for a health male slave before the start of the Civil War. Female slaves that were health usually went for a couple hundred dollars less than the male slaves did.
The New Plantation by Billy Hawkins examines the experiences and the relationship formed between black athletes and predominantly white colleges (PWIs). College athletics has a major entertainment following within the United States, and many of the top athletes competing are black. These athletes are often stereotyped, not given proper schooling, and left with nothing more than a few years of athletic achievement while in college. Hawkins goes on to explain how less than 1% of the student athletes are able to generate 90% of the revenue for the NCAA. Finally, there are example of how some activists have tried to make reforms, and what can be done in the future to change the college landscape.
“Lights. Camera. Action.” The New York City based photographer and director, Joey Lawrence has been making a living since the age of 15 as a photographer with a mission. His mission is to spread and inspire creativity throughout the generations, by a push of his finger on his handy Canon EOS 5D whenever the moment is right or “interesting”, as he always says. I chose Joey because of the spunk and confidence he displays with his work and how he gave it his all even at the young age of 15. He has inspired me to go for my dreams even when everyone else finds it too astonishing to be able to come true, and because of that I want to find out more about him and share it with other people to help carry out his mission.
The beginnings of that life were sufficiently unpromising. The family was a good one, of old Virginia and Kentucky stock, but its circumstances were reduced, its environment meager and disheartening. The father, John Marshall Clemens--a lawyer by profession, a merchant by vocation--had brought his household to Florida from Jamestown, Tennessee, somewhat after the manner of judge Hawkins as pictured in The Gilded Age. Florida was a small town then, a mere village of twenty-one houses located on Salt River, but judge Clemens, as he was usually called, optimistic and speculative in his temperament, believed in its future. Salt River would be made navigable; Florida would become a metropolis. He established a small business there, and located his family in the humble frame cottage where, five months later, was born a baby boy to whom they gave the name of Samuel--a family name--and added Langhorne, after an old Virginia friend of his father.
Because of her love for theater, Barnsdall was obsessed about creating an outdoor theater for her new house. After conversations with Wright, Barnsdall purchased a city block known as Olive Hill. Barnsdall was looking into having a theatrical and luxurious combination of elements for the Hollyhock House.
Liberia is full of historical tourist attractions that will amaze you. In the early 1430s to the 17th century Liberia served as a trading post for many colonial powers. The Liberian flag resembles the U.S. Flag so closely because the United States of America liberated the African Country from the colonial powers just after the turn of the 17th century. Liberia still contains its colonial charm. Besides Liberia's old cities it is also full of modern architecture, gorgeous nature outlooks, and beautiful beaches making for a must see travel destination.
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—. Southwest Interior Design Style for Your Living Space. 2007-2014. Online. 1 Jan. 2014. .