Blood Transfusion as One of the Most Common Hospitals Procedures

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The topic chosen is blood transfusion. Blood transfusion is one of the most common procedures that are performed in the hospital setting to save lives and help improve one’s health. People who have serious injuries may need blood transfusions to replace the lost of blood. Some of the injuries are more critical than others and require an enormous amount of blood. In addition, many people have illnesses that prevent their body from making blood properly. Blood circulates in the body providing oxygen and nutrients and collects waste so it can be eliminated by the body; therefore, it is an important factor for everyone’s lives (Lewis Medical surgical nursing). Blood should be carefully transfused. Although it is a lifesaver, nurses should follow the proper procedure and strict guidelines to safely transfuse the blood. One sample error during transfusion can cause someone life.These situations can lead to death, especially in serious cases. So nurses must have knowledge and understand the purpose of blood transfusion.

According the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), there are several standards available for this procedure. These standards are vital to help intervene when blood transfusion is needed. It provides clinical recommendations to educate and aware nurses the recent advances and technological innovations in planning and management of transfusion medicine. The standards are updated so nurses can be in compliance with best practices of how to manage blood transfusion to assure the proper approach to patient care. The standards are updated as new clinical trials are performed and show different techniques. There are other associations which enforce the same standards but have some clinical variations. (AABB, 2010)


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...nal authority such as law enforcement agencies or the board of nursing, if there are situations of abuse. However, this should be done after contact the supervisor.


American Association of Blood Banks. (2010). Primer of blood administration. Bethesda, MD.: American Association of Blood Banks.

Blood Therapy: Administration of Blood. (2013).Blood transfusion procedure manual. Lakeland, FL: Lakeland Regional Medical Center.

McCarron, K. (2013, March/ April). Blood Essentials. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 11(2), 16– 24. Retrieved from

Potter, A.P, Griffin, A.P, Stockert, A.P, & Hall, A.M.(2013). Fundamental of nursing. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Lewis, S.L, Dirksen, S.R, Heitkemper, M.M, Bucher, L, Camera, I.M. (2011). Medical surgical nursing. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

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