Blindness In Oedipus The King

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“Blindness”, the state in which someone is unwilling or unable to perceive or understand. This definition becomes the underlying motif in Steven Spielberg’s, “Minority Report” and Sophocles’, “Oedipus the King” as both protagonists struggle to come to terms with their actions and the reality they have put themselves in. Both the film and play employ the use of blindness through loss of vision and physical sight but also through the understanding of the past and future killings which predominate the storyline. In some aspects central elements of play are not only featured but emphasized in the film. Particularly, the film shares emphasis on symbolic vision of committing a murder, balancing on a pedestal of future, fate, and freewill.

Steven Spielberg's, "Minority Report," tells about a future without murder. Three gifted humans, who are called precogs, predict the murder of an individual and it is viewed by cops who stop the murder from taking place. John Anderton, the main character, is predicted to murder a man by the name of Leo Crow. Throughout the story, Anderton believes that he will not kill this man because he doesn’t even know who Crow is. Unfortunately, Anderton is blind to the fact that Crow had kidnapped his son. Agatha, the female precog, reminds Anderton that he always has a choice to not kill Crow. Anderton learns that Crow was paid to make Anderton believe that he had kidnapped his son many years earlier. Crow tells Anderton about his being set up, but Anderton and Crow struggle over the gun and Crow ends up being shot. Anderton finally proves his innocence and begins a life with his wife.

Sophocles’s, Oedipus the King, tells of a child born of a king and queen, whose future depicted destruction of his family. Th...

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...t the ball rolling and unknowingly caused their tragic endings (Oedipus).

Minority report a 2002 science fiction thriller directed by Steven Spielberg is based from Washington DC and Northern Virginia in 2054 where precrime is a specialised police department. They arrest people in foreseeing their crimes provided by the precogs. the main character played by Tom Cruze. “John anderton” the precrime captain. John Anderton gets the visions of the murder through the three precogs but the main precog Agatha translates the information to him. The film is ironic to Blindness because in the movie when John Anderton is in the precog lab Agatha grabs ahold of him and says “can you see” and by the end of the film John has to get his eyes replaced to get around his identity. John is Blind to the fact that he has been set up for murder and has to prove that he is innocent.

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