Outline I. Fate vs Desperation. A) It is extremely tricky to take a decision in a desperate situation. In other words, challenge might be confused as fate. The result of this misunderstanding could be tragic, especially when fate is being linked to love. II. Fate as it is. A) To fully understand the concept of fate there must be an inner balanced connection between heart and mind. This connection should be exteriorized through an individual's action. B) Also, Pélleas, despite his age, could see the true representation of fate naturally understanding the situation no matter how strong his feeling towards Mélisande was. III. "Blind Men's Well". A) Ambiguity is, perhaps, one the strongest point in Debussy's single opera. Therefore, the blind men well could be also taken as a total different symbolic representation as it seems to be, or as it used to be. What used to be a symbolic representation of "cure" could also mean the only place to understand Mélisande's uncertainty in words. IV. …show more content…
Crown, Ring, Water. A) These elements are directly linked to the blind men's well, and therefore to Mélisande. B) Interrelating those three elements with the music might be the secret to really understand Mélisande, and consequently having answers for her unanswered questions. V. Ingenuity. A) Mélisande was considered very naive by her husband Golaud; however, he never saw that this "feature" could be just a strategy for her to seduce men. B) An unprotected image is seeing as key figure in this opera, for it is a man's nature/"job" to protect a vulnerable lady, no matter what happened before they met each other. VI. Mysteriousness. A) This is totally related to Mélisande's ingenuity. Her way of not answering questions somehow adds a special meaning to her existence consequently forcing a man to get attach to her in either thoughts or words. VII.
I noticed a few major symbols throughout the scenes in this play. For example, Mama’s plant; this plant never fails to be watered and taken care of by Mama, and this represents not only her caring and compassionate attitude towards a plant but her attitude towards her family as well. Her care for her plant is similar to her care for her children, both unconditional and unending despite the less-than-perfect “garden” that it is in(their house).
Blue Bird was about fourteen. They were taken in and made to feel at home.
whole life changes in one night though, when Elsa is raped by a GI soldier, and
Country music singer, Reba McIntire, recorded a song called "The Greatest Man I Never Knew." In the song, she speaks of how she never really knew her father. It exemplifies the way I feel about my own father. Everyone has a person who has made a deep impact on his or her life. For me, it was my father Donald Alexander. He was a great man with a wonderful sense of humor. He was the reason I wanted to become an attorney. He said I never lost an argument. I feel tormented that I was unable to know what a great person he really was.
Jane Yolen's use of structure in the novel Briar Rose is very clever. Her use of allegory and the technique of parallel narrative is very effective in conveying her story which she delivers in a superb fashion. Elements of the story are reveled at specific times to tie in with the theme of growth and development both personal and historical.
There has been a long standing debate between the socio-economic theories of capitalism and socialism. The current socio-economic system is capitalism but many feel it is not ideal due to the fact that it is based on making a profit. On the other hand, socialism is based on equality of all, which is enacted by paying all workers the same amount of money regardless of occupation. Miriam J. Wells is against capitalism and holds a socialist view point. According to Wells, politics shape the advantages and disadvantages that certain groups of people hold. The government plays an immense role on how things are structured in the fields in order to make a profit based on capitalism. Wells’ argument of capitalism being an unjust system due to politics affecting the class structure and workforce through the Bracero program, enactment of the Alien Land Law, and the return to sharecropping is quite strong even though there is a weakness in her argument due to her straying from the topic at hand and not offering an argument for the capitalist side.
Fate is an old, debated concept. Do one's actions truly play a role in determining one's life? Is fate free to some or is it binding to others, in that no individual can make completely individual decisions, and therefore, no one is truly free. Nowadays, fate is a subject often rejected in society, as it is seen as too big, too idealistic, and too hard to wrap a person's head around. However, at the time of Antigone, the concept was a terrifying reality for most people.
Fate is the development of events beyond a person’s control. Essentially it means that there are certain events in everyone’s life that are predetermined and completely unavoidable. In The Iliad, fate is even unchangeable by the gods. The belief is that there is a fixed natural order to the universe and that
Fate can be defined in many different ways. Webster's Dictionary defines fate as a power that supposedly predetermines events. Fate is synonymous with the word destiny, which suggests that events are unavoidable and unchangeable. Whatever happens in life is meant to be and cannot be changed by mankind. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, fate plays an important role in the lives of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and Banquo.
...that fate. Events that lead to other events will eventually lead one to their fate. “Oedipus the King” is a great play that sets an example of what fate is. Oedipus chooses to flee from home, in attempt to avoid the god’s statement of his fate from coming true. However, Oedipus’s decision for fleeing is what was necessary to make his fate come true. Undoubtedly, this is what was meant to happen because Oedipus allowed it to. Perhaps if Oedipus ignored the god and never did a thing then perhaps the outcome could have been different for Oedipus. However it did not turn out that way and the choices that Oedipus made is what led him to his doom.
The novel, Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other (2011) written by Sherry Turkle, presents many controversial views, and demonstrating numerous examples of how technology is replacing complex pieces and relationships in our life. The book is slightly divided into two parts with the first focused on social robots and their relationships with people. The second half is much different, focusing on the online world and it’s presence in society. Overall, Turkle makes many personally agreeable and disagreeable points in the book that bring it together as a whole.
Simone de Beauvoir, the author of the novel The Second Sex, was a writer and a philosopher as well as a political activist and feminist. She was born in 1908 in Paris, France to an upper-middle class family. Although as a child Beauvoir was extremely religious, mostly due to training from her mother as well as from her education, at the age of fourteen she decided that there was no God, and remained an atheist until she died. While attending her postgraduate school she met Jean Paul Sartre who encouraged her to write a book. In 1949 she wrote her most popular book, The Second Sex. This book would become a powerful guide for modern feminism. Before writing this book de Beauvoir did not believe herself to be a feminist. Originally she believed that “women were largely responsible for much of their own situation”. Eventually her views changed and she began to believe that people were in fact products of their upbringing. Simone de Beauvoir died in Paris in 1986 at the age of 78.
Dryden, in this portion of the playwright, draws attention to this idea that Palamede’s misery can only be cured in one way: through sexual encounters with his mistris. This thought process comes to the surface at many different portions throughout the play. Married people, as Dryden points out with these couples, are subject to obligation and