Blackfish: Tracing Negative Consequences

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Blackfish Documentary Study: Documentaries are created to inform and influence their audience on a specific range of controversial topics, such as animal captivity and cruelty. Blackfish is a 2013 documentary produced and directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite and focuses on the life of a captive orca held by the sea world, Tilikum. The documentary Blackfish has utilised documentary conventions such as archival footage, diegetic sound, and statistics and facts to influence the audience to agree with the perspective that SeaWorld’s captivity of treatment of their animals, orcas specifically, is inhumane and causes them lasting negative consequences. Archival footage has been included within the documentary Blackfish as a confrontational device to ensure the viewers know the extent of cruelty orcas …show more content…

SeaWorld will often proclaim facts about their orcas that are untrue to present themselves as obligational to the orcas needs. An example of this is the SeaWorld workers explaining daily, that the orcas lifespan was ”25 to 35 years. They tend to live a lot longer in this environment because they have all the veterinary care”. This is later shown to be incorrect when orca researcher Howard Garrett quotes, “We knew by 1980 after half a dozen years of the research that they live equivalent to human life spans.” He continues to state that, “every other potentially embarrassing fact is twisted and turned and denied one way or another”. This again is evident with SeaWorld explanations of Tilikum’s collapsed dorsal fin. They state that 25% of orcas in the wild have a collapsed dorsal fin, but rather only 1% of orcas in the world have a collapsed dorsal fin. The audience is also left feeling betrayed and unsure of what else SeaWorld has lied

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