Blackface's Fence: Discrimination Against Hollywood

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#Oscarssowhite People of the opposite race are often treated unfairly in Hollywood as actors they are not given the equal opportunities as whites. For example The Oscars are known for their discrimination against Minorities after what happened at the Oscars in 2016. The nominees that were chosen were all white and not a single Minority was nominated. Even though a lot of African American based movies were nominated for Oscars such as “Fences”. The reason for writing this essay is to inform the world of the Social movement that has started against not only the Oscars but also against Hollywood as well. In Earlier times Minorities were stereotyped during plays all the time. For example BlackFace was a Minstrel show that was created in 1848. BlackFace …show more content…

Statistics say that the Oscars are trying to find a different way to improve their nominations and try to affiliate more color. They want to try and prove others wrong by giving out more awards to minorities. There were only white actors and actresses in the top four categories. The movies that were based around black lives were shut out of the nominations but even though it was black based it didn’t stop the Oscars for nominating the writers of the movies that were white. The Oscars simply did not want to award people of color even though the movie was good. Actors such as Jada Pinkett-Smith and Spike Lee we’re furious with the nominations from last year and have spoken out about how they will not be attending the Oscars this year. They announced this on Martin Luther King JR birthday as a statement to the Oscars. Jada also spoke out about how she feels about not getting nominated for her role in “Girls Trip”. She stated that she was disappointed with how she was even recognized when she starred in one of the funniest movies of the year. The president of The Academy’s also spoke out about the Oscars saying that this is an important conversation that needs to be address. She agrees and believes that there …show more content…

Rumors are going around saying that the Oscars are planning to make changes this year. The 89th Academy Awards offers less diversity than last year’s Oscars. Seven of the twenty actors announced at the awards are not white. Over the past few years the lack of representation of minorities at the Oscars had been put on noticed. Racism over the past years have slowly evolved into stereotypes. Today’s stereotypes constantly consist of not only African Americans but other races as well being mistaken or misunderstood because of their skin color. Social movements like Oscars so white speak out about these stereotypes and becomes a protest against the organization. Similar protest like Black lives Matter and others all reflect back to discrimination amongst blacks. Weeks after this year’s nomination the governing board of The Academy Awards decided to double female and Minority members by 2020. Beginning later this year each member’s voting will last ten years and will be able to be renewed if that member has stayed active in movies during that decade. Members will receive lifetime voting rights after three 10 year terms or have won or been nominated for an Oscar. According to a 2012 report from Los

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